Cruel Intentions

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"Klaus?" Audrey asked, still hanging from his shoulder. When he didn't reply she kept talking anyways. "I think I'm gonna puke so could you stop the room from spinning please?" Klaus laughed loudly and finally put the girl down. Once on her feet, Audrey started to sway. Klaus caught her before she fell and picked her up again. Only this time he carried her in his arms rather than on his shoulder. She looked up at him with puffy eyes, worn out from crying. He would never say it aloud, but she was still breathtaking to him. He looked away from her to look up. They had finally reached their destination. Klaus let Audrey down, steadying her so she wouldn't fall before looking around. He saw Rebekah wasn't in her coffin anymore and the guard by the door was dead.

"Rebekah...It's your big brother. Come out, come out, wherever you are," He called out stepping forward. Out of nowhere a blonde girl appeared with a dagger in her hand. She stabbed Klaus before he could react earning a scream from Audrey.

"Go to hell, Nik," She snarled.

"Oh my god! People can't keep doing that!" Audrey screamed holding her hand to her chest. Rebekah looked over at the girl and frowned. She could tell she was human and that she was also beautiful. Why was she hanging around Klaus? Was she his personal blood bank or something? After thinking of possibilities she got bored and gave up. She turned back to Klaus just as he was pulling the dagger from his chest.

"Don't pout. You knew it wouldn't kill me," Klaus growled.

"Yeah, but I was hoping it would hurt more," Rebekah huffed. "And what's with the human?"

"I understand that you're upset with me, Rebekah. So I'm going to let that go. Just this once. Brought you a little peace offering as well," Klaus explained. Rebekah looked at Audrey and raised an eyebrow.

"I've already ate, but I could have a little more," She smirked stepping toward Audrey. Klaus sped in front of her and backed Rebekah away.

"No not her. You can come in now!" Klaus yelled looking at the door. Stefan walked in slowly, eyes widening when he saw Audrey.

"Stefan," Rebekah said in shock. Audrey was confused though. How did Klaus's sister know Stefan if she's been dead for more than half a century? Klaus sped in front of Stefan and looked him in the eye.

"Now you remember," Klaus said compelling Stefan. Stefan blinked a few times but looked at Rebekah.

"Rebekah," He said quietly. He stepped towards her.

"Stefan," Klaus said getting his attention. Stefan looked at Klaus and everything came back to him.

"We were friends," Stefan muttered.

"We are friends," Klaus smiled. Audrey stood off from everyone and frowned.

"Wait, what is happening right now?" She asked. "So you all know each other?"

"Why the hell is Audrey here?" Stefan asked speeding to her. He looked back at Klaus who was now smirking. "We had a deal remember?"

"Damon and I have been tracking him. Obviously, that wasn't the smartest idea..anyways this is a consequence of that," Audrey explained shrugging casually.

"And you're not freaking out?" Stefan asked shocked.

"I got all of that out on the way over here. Right Klaus?" She asked looking at him. He held his smirk and nodded. "Plus I'm still a little tipsy,"

"Alright, enough chit chat. Now, the reason you're here. Gloria tells me you know how to contact the original witch," Klaus stated looking at his sister.

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