Dead Man Walking

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The Salvatore house was dead quiet when Audrey ventured downstairs for a glass of water. It was dark, but the dying fire provided some light. As she got water from the fridge she had a feeling someone was watching her. When she turned around she nearly screamed. A figure was standing by the window and as they walked forward she saw who it was. Her heart was hammering and butterflies filled her stomach as he came closer. Klaus was smirking at her like she was his prey. Instead of feeling scared, Audrey felt...warm. Almost as if she was whole again. "Klaus..what are you doing here?" She asked calmly.

"I've been trying to create all these hybrids and it's been working but something was missing. I wasn't as satisfied as I thought I'd be. It took me a while to realize it was because of you," He explained, still nearing her. He stopped when he got right in front of her. "You haven't left my mind since I left," Audrey looked up at him in awe. He was actually admitting this to her.

"You...You haven't left mine either," She whispered. She glanced down at his lips and silently wondered what it'd feel like to kiss him. This was wrong but for some reason that was the last thing on her mind. Before she could think about what she was doing, she reached up and kissed him. His lips felt like heaven. For a moment, she didn't even think about the fact that it was Klaus she was kissing, only that his lips felt amazing. Slowly, he trailed down her jaw and to her neck. "This is so wrong," She sighed. "But I don't care," Without warning, Klaus bit into her neck and instead of feeling withering pain she felt immense pleasure. Audrey knew she was moaning but then she felt herself start to shake. She couldn't get what was happening. She felt pleasure but not enough to tremble. When she opened her eyes, Klaus was fading away and she could hear her name being called. As she jolted up she looked around to see she was laying in bed and Klaus was nowhere in sight. It was only a dream. Damon, on the other hand, was lying beside her in bed, smirking like an idiot. "What?" She asked when she saw him.

"Who were you dreaming about?" Suddenly, her heart picked up. Had she been talking in her sleep?

"Wha-um-what do you mean?" She replied innocently. Damon's smirk widened and he gave her a teasing wink.

"You were saying how wrong something was and moaning in your sleep. Having a sex dream about me, kitten?" Damon asked playfully. He was only teasing, but some sick part of him hoped it was about him. He could use an ego boost.

"Um..well. I was having a uh sex dream, but it was about..," Audrey tried racking her brain for any name other than Klaus and Damon's. "Caroline," The moment she heard what she said, she wanted to smack herself. Out of everyone she could think of, Caroline was the name to come out of her mouth.

"That is way better than you and me," Damon said with a serious expression. "If you want to fall back asleep or something to continue that dream, that would be amaz-ow!" Audrey smacking him hard cut him off.

"Shut it," She growled. He chuckled and looked up at the ceiling. "I'm going to shower. If I catch you trying to peek at me, I'll castrate you Damon Salvatore," He only winked at her as she got out of bed to head for the shower. Even when she was under the relaxing warm water, the dream she had, occupied her mind, stressing her out. Why would she dream something like that? It was bad enough that she had an attraction for the hybrid, but now to have sexy dreams of him. Was she going insane? When Audrey finished her shower, she redressed herself and walked downstairs to find something to eat. Only, instead of finding food, she found Damon tied to a chair with a fire poker sticking out of his chest. "Oh my god! What happened?!" She shouted as she ran over to him.

"Stefan," Damon groaned. "So not cool," Audrey pulled the poker from his chest and worked at getting the chains off of him but they were bound too tightly. When Stefan appeared, Audrey stood up to greet him angrily.

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