Bella Notte

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Audrey sat on a stone bench watching as Klaus directed his compelled workers to dig. She glared daggers at his back, and hoped that he slipped and fell into the hole he was digging. "I know you're pissed love, but glaring at me won't do anything," Klaus chuckled without turning to look at her.

"I can't believe the shit you drag me into," Audrey grumbled. She should be exploring Italy and all it's beauties, not at some graveyard digging up a dead body.

"Oh come on! We could make a game out of this," Klaus laughed finally turning around. He had his usual cocky grin plastered on his face and Audrey wanted to punch it right off.

"I want to be exploring right now and instead we're wasting time at a graveyard," Audrey sighed.

"Oh trust me love, we aren't wasting time here," Klaus said. "The key to it all is here,"

"The key to what?" Audrey asked, standing up. "What are you looking for?"

"A sword," Klaus answered.

"A sword? Really? You came all the way here for a sword?" Audrey threw her hands up in the air dramatically.

"Not just any sword love," Klaus laughed walking over to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "This sword could lead us to the cure for immortality,"

"Oh my god," Audrey gasped with shock. "H-How's that possible?!"

"There's a whole legend behind it but who cares about all of that," Klaus sighed leaning down to kiss her nose.

"So you want to find the cure because...?" Audrey trailed off waiting for him to answer. "Wait! Do you actually want to become a human?!" Klaus burst into laughter as if she told him a funny joke. "I'm taking that as a no,"

"I'd die before I ever became human again. Trust me love, one day after you're turned you'll see how incredible it is to have power like never before," Klaus said happily. Audrey faked a smile and nodded. She knows that part of being soulmates with Klaus meant she'd have to become a vampire, but that didn't mean she was excited about it, actually it terrified her.

"Well why do you want the cure then?" Audrey questioned.

"Several reasons actually, one being to destroy it," Klaus smiled devilishly.


"Wow," Audrey sighed with amazement. She leaned against their hotel room balcony railing with a glass of wine in her hand, watching the sunset on the ocean. She was still wearing the expensive silk gown Klaus had bought her for dinner. She felt like she was in a movie. She took a sip from her glass and sighed again.

"What's on your mind, love?" Klaus asked as he snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He placed a soft kiss to her neck.

"I'm just admiring the view," She hummed happily.

"So am I," He whispered into her ear. Goosebumps rose to the surface of her skin and she giggled as he tickled her with his breath. "And god is the view stunning,"

"Such a charmer," She moaned as he nipped at the sensitive part of her neck. Right before things heated up they were interrupted by Klaus's phone.

"If we get interrupted one more time, I might go crazy love,"

"You and me both, Casanova," Audrey grumbled as he detached himself from her. When Klaus saw it was Stefan calling he walked away from his soulmate.

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