The Ties That Bind

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Something was wrong, or at least Audrey thought so. She was walking aimlessly around a graveyard and the wind was blowing furiously. There was a coffin up ahead and something was drawing Audrey to it. As she got closer a voice began to whisper to her. "He...destiny...," She frowned at herself and looked around. "Soul,"

"What?" Audrey asked.

"," The voice continued. "He...soul-,"


As she jolted awake, Audrey noticed she was covered with cold sweat. What the hell was that dream about? She panted as she looked around her room worriedly. It was barely morning but she knew Elena would be up. As if on cue the older Gilbert ran into the room. "Wha-What's wrong?" She asked tiredly.

"Nothing..just a weird dream," Audrey answered, unsure of herself. Elena sighed and walked over to her sister's bed, sitting down at the end of it.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked cautiously.

"I was just so strange," Audrey explained. "I'm walking through the graveyard and all of a sudden this coffin appears. Then this whispering started and it didn't make sense but it kept saying he and destiny, and soul," Elena's eyes widened but she didn't interrupt her sister. "It said 'He is your destiny and something about soul'. I don't know, it was all weird. I doubt it meant anything though,"

"So you dreamed of a coffin and Stefan has Klaus's coffins," Elena pointed out. "Do you think it's connected?"

"I don't know. I think it's just a meaningless dream. I probably shouldn't take pain pills before I sleep anymore," Audrey joked. "Well, that and eat a half pint of ice cream," Elena opened her mouth to respond but she heard her phone go off in her room. She silently got up and walked over to retrieve her shrieking phone. Audrey leaned back in her bed and thought about her dream some more. After getting bored she grabbed her phone to search for entertainment. When Elena walked back in the room she leaned against the door frame and sighed dramatically.

"Bonnie just called and asked for me to meet her at the witch house. Do you want to come?" Elena asked.

"Nah, I was hoping to not deal with any sort of supernatural drama today," Audrey answered. "Tell BonBon I'm sorry," Elena nodded and walked out of the room again. It didn't take long for Audrey to drift back to sleep after that.


The second time Audrey woke up that day was because of the voices she could hear downstairs. When she checked her phone she saw it was nearly noon and groaned from how late she slept in. She got up from her bed and walked out to see who was here. She stopped when she heard Damon's voice. "Sooner. Abby Bennett Wilson, North Carolina. Born in Mystic Falls Hospital, graduated from Mystic Falls High...blah, blah, blah," Audrey listened closely. "A little compulsion helps sped up the research process," Damon explained.

"This is her," Bonnie gasped.

"Yep. Road trip. I call shotgun," Damon announced.

"Yeah-no," Elena quickly interjected.

"Want me to hang out in the back with you?" Damon asked suggestively.

"You're not coming, Damon," Elena stated more aggressively than she meant.

"Why? I'm the one who found her," Damon protested.

"Okay, Damon. Look, Bonnie hasn't seen her mom in over fifteen years. We don't need your snarky commentary narrating the experience," Elena explained. There was a moment of silence before Bonnie spoke up.

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