Crash Into Me

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Sorry about the long wait for this chapter, but it ended up being 10 pages so hopefully that makes up for it!

When Audrey woke up she felt completely relaxed. After her fight with Klaus, she did everything she said she was going to do. A long bath and a good nights rest really was all she needed. As she rolled over in her bed she was met with a hard body. "Boo!" Damon smirked at the human.

"You're lucky you're so hot," She mumbled, nestling her head into his side.

"Why's that?" Damon questioned as he twirled a piece of her long brown hair.

"It makes you slightly less annoying," Audrey sighed tiredly. Damon chuckled and shook his head. Audrey smirked and giggled as well.

"I heard about you and lover boy's fight. Wanna talk about it?" Damon asked, trying to be a good friend. He smiled when the human snorted with sarcasm.

"What's there to talk about? He didn't bother telling me he was back in town and hung out with you instead," Audrey grumbled. "I'm tired of him thinking he can get away with shit just because he's my soulmate. I'm gonna make him work for it this time,"

"That's my girl!" Damon encouraged. "I'm so proud of you,"

"Thanks," Audrey laughed before finally looking up at her best friend. Damon looked down at her and flashed her a smile. "So, how are you? I know all about Elena feeding off you. That's a big deal isn't it?"

"No," Damon lied. Audrey gave him a pointed look and he cracked. "Okay, yeah. She doesn't know that though. I think little brother is mad at me for it too,"

"No shit!" Audrey laughed. "I've heard that blood sharing is bonding and intimate,"

"You and Klausy haven't done that yet?" Damon teased.

"Nope!" Audrey blushed sitting up in bed. "I think it's because he's scared of hurting me though. I know he's came close to biting me before and as weird as it sounds, I'm not exactly opposed to it," Damon sat up beside her and leaned his head on the young girl's shoulder. Audrey yawned tiredly but as she took a deep breath the smell of cinnamon rolls wafted through the air. "Elena's cooking?"

"Smells like it," Damon grinned. Audrey stood up and cocked an eyebrow at her friend. Elena rarely cooked and when she did it was usually for something. Audrey made her way down the stairs.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone screamed as she came into view. Audrey was stunned. In her living room sat everyone she cared about the most, well almost everyone.

"Oh my god! I totally forgot about my birthday," Audrey laughed as she walked down to greet her friends. Caroline hugged her first.

"You're finally 18! You're not a little kid anymore," Caroline fake sniffled. "Our girl's an adult now," She said as she turned to everyone else. Audrey rolled her eyes and moved onto the next person. Matt opened his arms for the girl and squeezed her tight when she stepped into them.

"Little Gilbert isn't so little anymore," He teased holding her close. "Happy Birthday,"

"Thanks Matty," She giggled before moving to the next person. Bonnie hugged her friend tightly before Audrey moved to Stefan. When it came to Elena, the two sisters embraced longer than anyone else.

"Happy Birthday little sister," Elena sighed happily. "After everything we've been through, after everything our family's been through I'm so happy I still have you,"

"Me too, Lena," Audrey smiled. As she let go of her sister, she moved to her younger brother. Jeremy hugged her tightly and lifted her off the ground.

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