My Brother's Keeper

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Audrey woke up when she felt two arms tighten their hold around her. She smiled and turned to see Klaus smirking at her. She sighed contently and brushed her fingers lightly across his cheek.

"Good morning, my handsome soulmate," She giggled gleefully.

"Good morning, gorgeous," He replied leaning down to kiss her lips sweetly. "How are you feeling?"

"Still a little uneasy, but I'm doing better," Audrey answered honestly. "It's just hard to deal with. My brother has to become a murderous vampire hunter in order to find the cure for my sister,"

"Jeremy is still going to be the same person, love," Klaus assured.

"You and I both know that's a lie. Bonnie already told me what's going to happen but she just knows she can help," Audrey whined.

"I may not like her, but Bonnie's strong. She could probably even become the most powerful witch in the world if she wanted to. Trust her," Klaus soothed, easing his soulmate's tension. "Now, I'm going to draw us a bath where we are going to relax and have some hot dirty sex,"

Audrey laughed as he kissed her. "That sounds heavenly, love,"


"Where have you been?!" Caroline shouted once Audrey entered the Lockwood's. Audrey stopped and slowly shut the door behind her.

"Um...with my boyfriend," Audrey answered cautiously. "Why what's going on?"

"Elena broke up with Stefan," Caroline stated.

"What?!" Audrey asked looking at her sister.

"Oh and it was for Damon," Caroline added.

"Is this true, Elena?" Audrey asked her sister. Elena glared at Caroline but nodded. "So you like Damon now?"

"It's not like that! It's not like I dumped Stefan to be with Damon! I just-I didn't want to lie to Stefan. He deserves better then that," Elena argued in defense of herself.

"Come on Elena! I mean I love you, you're my best friend, but Stefan is the love of your life! Your epic love! You weren't supposed to let Damon weasel his way into your confused newbie vampire heart," Caroline whined.

"Well that's exactly what I am, Caroline, confused," Elena sighed. "Ever since I became a vampire It's like I'm a whole new person. It makes sense, the human part of me died when that car went into the water and I'm coming to accept that. But only because Damon has helped me through everything. I felt something for him before I turned and now its amplified. I love Stefan and I always will but I don't know...,"

"Well, I for one, am totally for team Damon," Audrey chimed in. "I love Stefan and I owe him my life, but I see the way you are with Damon and he's good for you. Just like you're good for him. I know you two better than anyone else and I honestly wouldn't mind if you got together,"

"Really?" Elena asked her sister curiously.

"Really," Audrey smiled.

"Oh come on! You're so biased. Of course, you're team Damon," Caroline huffed.

"Oh like you're not just as biased towards, Stefan!" Audrey argued.

"Of course I am! Stefan is the sweet one! He's the hero and Damon's the villain," Caroline shot back.

"Damon is not the villain! He's the anti-hero. Ya know, the good guy who tried to play off as the bad guy," Audrey defended.

"Okay! Believe it or not, you two bickering is not helping!" Elena shouted over the two friends. The girls rolled their eyes but they dropped it. Professor Shane walking down the steps of the house stopped them. Audrey observed the man carefully, she had heard about him from Bonnie and Jeremy, but she still was skeptical about him. Shane immediately noticed this.

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