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      After the run in with Mason, Damon made Audrey go to the Salvatore's house. Bonnie and Caroline were waiting there when she arrived. Elena's necklace had gone missing and that was the key to everything. Caroline had just gotten off the phone when Audrey stepped into the room. "What are you talking about?" Bonnie asked.

       "Um...Lexie's back, so Elena wants us to hold off on destroying the necklace," Caroline answered nervously.

       "You said boyfriend dramas. Plural. What is it, Caroline?" Bonnie asked again.

       "Elena caught Jeremy kissing Anna," Caroline blurted out.

       "What?" Bonnie questioned in shock. Slowly, her heart was shattering.

       "I'm sorry," Caroline whispered.

       "He kissed her?" Bonnie stumbled back and shook her head.

       "She's got a foothold now, so she probably thinks that she's here to stay," Audrey stated, drawing both the girl's attention. "But all of us, we're going to find that necklace. Okay?" Bonnie smiled sadly and nodded. She was still in shock from the surprising news. Caroline was giving Audrey a know it all look. "What? I never really liked Anna. Especially, since she convinced Jeremy that becoming a vampire was such a great idea," Audrey explained, rolling her eyes at the memory. "Now, let's find this stupid necklace," The three girls split up to search for the piece of jewelry. After scoping every inch of the house they came up with nothing.

       "Ugh! I give up. It's not anywhere in this room!" Caroline shouted as she threw her hands up in frustration. Audrey banged her head against the wall in Damon's bathroom and groaned. A loud ringing sound erupted from Bonnie's cellphone. When she checked to see who it was, she shot Caroline a knowing look. Caroline stormed over to the phone and answered it. "What do you want Jeremy?"

       "Caroline? Did you find the necklace?" Jeremy asked from the other side of the phone.

       "Not yet. Wait, what's going on?" Caroline questioned, crossing her arms.

       "Ghosts of the tomb vampires killed Tobias Fell. You might want to find that necklace before they start going alphabetically through the founding families," Jeremy explained.

       "Well, it's not where it's supposed to be. Unless someone took it," Caroline said as a light bulb went off in her head.


       "Who do you think?" Caroline snapped annoyed.

       "She said she didn't take it," Jeremy spat back.

       "Oh, and you believe her?!" Caroline shouted.

       "You know what, yeah, yeah, I do believe her," Jeremy answered sternly.

       "You know what, you're an even bigger idiot than I thought. So wake up, Jeremy, before you lose everything," Caroline growled before hanging up the phone. "God! Audrey, why is your family so stubborn!"

       "I don't know, blame our dad," Audrey responded. "Look, I'm not excusing him, because he's being really stupid, but Jeremy has a lot going on,"

       "I don't care! We all have a lot of things going on, it doesn't excuse him from having an affair with his dead ex-girlfriend!" Caroline argued. Audrey sighed and nodded. She knew Jeremy was definitely in the wrong here, she just couldn't believe it. "Ugh! Why is everything going to shit lately!"

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