The Memorial

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Filler chapter but lots of Damon and Audrey fluff because they have the cutest friendship ever(:

Audrey was just about to step out of Klaus's mansion when his arms pulled her back in. "Leaving so soon?" Klaus teased kissing her neck. Ever since last night they hadn't been able to stop their urges for each other. Every glance, every touch had them lusting after one another and nothing seemed quench their thirst.

"As much as I love spending time with you, I have a sister who needs me," Audrey giggled. She turned in Klaus's arms and smiled up at him. When she looked up at him she couldn't help but feel that warmth begin to spread. He was so handsome. Slowly, she grazed her fingers along his face and blushed when her body heated up more.

"Are you sure you need to go?" Klaus smirked knowing exactly what she felt. She nodded but her eyes were stuck on his lips. He smirked and leaned down to kiss her. His hands moved down her body and before Audrey could be consumed by lust again she pushed herself away from him.

"I'm absolutely sure. If I stay here another minute I'm going to turn into your sex slave," Audrey smirked backing out of the mansion. "And that just can't happen,"

"I think that sounds like a lovely idea," Klaus said leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah, yeah," Audrey rolled her eyes and made her way to her car.

"Oh before I forget, I'm leaving town for the night," Klaus called out casually. Audrey stopped in her tracks.

"Why?" She questioned crossing her arms over her chest and turning around to face her soulmate.

"Business, nothing for you to worry about, love," Klaus smiled.

"Oh really?" She cocked an eyebrow at him. His smiled widened. "Just be safe, I guess,"

"I always am," Klaus said. Audrey rolled her eyes and turned back around to leave. Klaus watched her go and couldn't help but smile to himself. She was the star to his once dark life.


As Audrey stepped inside her house she felt uneasy. It was too quiet. "Hello?" She called out cautiously. She turned to go into the kitchen but jumped when Damon popped in front of her. "Jesus Christ, Damon! Don't do that!" She yelled smacking him in the chest.

"Sorry, little bird," Damon smirked. "By the way, you reek of sex and Klaus. Classy,"

"Do I detect jealousy?" Audrey tsk'd playfully trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Please, try disgust," Damon scoffed. "We both know I'm way better than that asshole anyways. Not my fault you chose not to find out," Audrey smiled at her friend and nudged him.

"Where's Elena?" Audrey asked.

"Over at my place," Damon smirked. Audrey cocked an eyebrow at him. "With Stefan, don't worry. She can't keep down bambi's blood, which doesn't surprise me. She needs to drink from the vein. It's what vampires do,"

"Damon, you know how she is. Besides, she's in an extremely delicate state right now," Audrey sighed. "Klaus told me that newborn vampires are super unpredictable because of their heightened emotions. One wrong move could potentially set her off,"

"I didn't realize Klaus taught vampire 101," Damon sneered.

"He's one of the oldest vampires in the world, Damon. He knows everything about everything," Audrey said back. She moved to her bedroom and Damon followed her closely.

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