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              Today was going to be a good day, Audrey could feel it. She was in a great mood and as she cooked breakfast, she sang and danced around. Klaus was secretly watching her from the dining room, finding her behavior entertaining. "Tell me when it kicks in," Audrey sang along with Ed Sheeran. That ginger was definitely a God when it came music. She was so caught up in her own little world she didn't even notice Klaus sneaking up behind her. His hands grabbed her waist and quickly turned her to face him. Shock and confusion spread across her face but once she saw it was Klaus she smiled. "Good morning!"

       "Morning," He smirked. "I still haven't claimed my prize from the other night ya know," He leaned closer to her and brushed his lips against hers.

       "Y-Yeah?" She stuttered out nervously. "Maybe we should fix that,"

       "I wholeheartedly agree," Klaus smiled before smashing his lips against hers. This wasn't exactly how Audrey expected her morning to go but she wasn't complaining. Kissing Klaus was becoming easier than breathing. Their kiss was becoming more hungry by the second. Klaus lifted Audrey onto the counter and stepped between her legs. Klaus's lips trailed down to her neck where he felt her blood moving through her veins. Without him knowing, his fangs descended. Just imagining her sweet blood had his mouth watering.

       "Klaus!" Audrey moaned loudly, drawing his attention away from her tempting blood. His lips went back up to her mouth where he dominated her in every way. Her hands tangled in his hair and she pulled him closer. Klaus grinded his hips into hers and smirked when she let out a small sigh of pleasure. He wanted to hear that sound for the rest of his immortal life.

       "This is so not what I wanted to wake up to," Rebekah sneered as she walked into the kitchen. Klaus pulled back from Audrey and glared at his younger sister.

       "Don't you have someone else to bother?" Klaus growled. Audrey giggled at him and leaned up to plant kisses along his jaw. She had no idea where the act of affection came from but it felt right.

       "Is this how you two are going to be now? Making out everywhere?" Rebekah asked with a smirk. She knew she was getting on her brother's nerves.

       "Yeah and we'll make sure we only do it when you're around if you don't leave us alone," Klaus threatened causing Rebekah to roll her eyes dramatically.

       "Ugh fine," She sighed. "Oh! Don't forget to get Finn today!" She shouted as she exited the room. Audrey frowned with confusion.

       "Why do you need to grab Finn?" Audrey asked.

       "Damon and Stefan found white oak stakes and since me and my siblings are all still connected I need to find Finn before he gets us killed," Klaus explained. Audrey's heart completely fell out of her chest.

       "Wh-What?" Audrey felt like her whole world was shattering. Why won't her friends just stop?

       "I promise I'm going to fix this," Klaus assured her. Audrey was still trapped in her thoughts when she nodded her head. "Shit, I better get going. Love, by tonight all of this will be over with," He kissed her lips one more time before leaving. Audrey had finally snapped out of her shocked state and anger fumed within her. She didn't even bother getting dressed before jumping in her car and speeding to her house. As expected, the Salvatore duo were there. Audrey stormed into the house in an angry fit and she had fire in her eyes.

       "Why are you trying to ruin my life and possibly end it?!" She screamed at her sister and two former friends. "Did it not process through your thick skulls that if Klaus goes so do I? Or is this all some sort of plot to save precious Elena from God only knows what? Well newsflash people, Klaus isn't going to harm any of you because of me! I swear, you three are the dumbest group of people I have ever met!"

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