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Audrey stared out at the wide lake before her. Memories of her and her family enjoying summers flashed in her head. She smiled sadly at the thought and sighed. A hand gently grasped her shoulder and she looked to see Jeremy standing beside her. "I know, it's weird being out here again," Jeremy said as if he could read her mind.

        "Remember when dad bought us that paddle boat and it broke the minute we put it on the water," Audrey smiled. Jeremy chuckled and nodded his head.

        "Remember when they took us out here around Halloween time and dad tried everything he could to scare mom but she wasn't phased by anything," Jeremy said causing Audrey to laugh.

        "Oh my god! Literally nothing ever scared her, well until we told her you had run off somewhere and we couldn't find you. I swear I had never seen someone run so fast," Audrey giggled. "At least someone that isn't supernatural," The minute she said supernatural Jeremy tensed. She turned to face him and placed a hand on his cheek. "I know you're struggling with this Jeremy and I want to help,"

        "I'm fine, I promise, Aud," Jeremy said. "Just you being here is enough," She smiled softly at him and embraced him in a hug. Jeremy held her tight and relished in the comfort that she brought him. A door closing caught his attention and he looked over to see Elena and Damon had arrived. "What are they doing here?" Jeremy growled.

        Bonnie who had just walked out of the lake house spoke up, "I called them, they're here to help," Audrey pulled away from her brother and saw who he was talking about. Bonnie approached the siblings and grabbed Jeremy's hand. "Do you trust me?"

        "Yeah. Yeah, I trust you," Jeremy said.

        "Let's go inside," She smiled at the two. She guided Jeremy to the house with Audrey following. Jeremy kept looking back at Elena and Damon with disgust. Just as they approached the door, Shane stepped out.

        "What the hell is Professor Shadypants doing here?" Damon questioned clearly upset.

        "I invited him," Elena answered. Damon shot her a glare not liking the fact that she's willing to trust him. Once inside, Shane and Bonnie began to move around the furniture to perform the hypnosis. Jeremy was standing off to the side with Audrey next to him, still glancing outside to Elena and Damon. Audrey took his hand into hers and squeezed it hoping it'd get him to calm down.

        "Okay, listen, we are ready to get started, but before we can do that, we need her," Shane said pointing outside at Elena. "In here,"

        "This is your house now, Jer," Elena said softly. Jeremy walked to the open door with Audrey and stared at his sister. "You have to invite me in," Jeremy doesn't respond and just stared at her.

        "Go ahead, Jeremy. Invite her in," Shane encouraged. Jeremy still hesitated, it wasn't until Audrey squeezed his hand again did he snap out of it.

        "You can come in," Jeremy muttered. Elena stepped inside slowly and smiled softly up at Jeremy, lightly touching his arm before walking past him to set her bag down. Jeremy looked down at where she touched him and reached for the stake in his waistband. He moved away from Audrey and attempted to attack Elena. Elena was quick though and grabbed his wrist before he could get her. She twisted his arm around to his back and wrapped an arm around his neck putting him in a choke hold. He struggled but Elena was too strong for him.

        "Jeremy! Stop!" Audrey shouted as she walked over to him. She grabbed his face in her hands and looked him in the eyes. "Look at me, deep breaths okay?" Jeremy began to calm as he looked at Audrey. "In and out," She said before demonstrating. Jeremy did as told and quickly began to calm down. Elena slowly released him but he didn't attempt to attack her again he just stared at Audrey and continued to take deep breaths in and out. Audrey placed her forehead against his and sighed. "Don't worry Jer, I got you," When he was completely calm Audrey guided him over to Shane and Bonnie and sat him in the chair they had ready for him. Once he sat down they strapped his wrists down to keep him from attacking Elena any further. Shane began the hypnosis immediately putting Jeremy in a trance.

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