Soulmates Or...Whatever

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         "Uh, if everyone could gather, please," Elijah announced, capturing everyone's attention. Audrey looked up to see all of the Mikaelson's lined up on the grand staircase. "Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance," Elijah went on. "Tonight's pick is a centuries old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom," Everyone started to move towards the ballroom. Audrey was staggering behind everyone when Stefan approached her.

       "Care to dance?" He asked sincerely. She cocked an eyebrow at him.

       "You tried to kill me," Audrey answered. Stefan smirked and was ready to reply to her, but got cut off.

       "Audrey, love," Klaus stated as he sauntered over to the duo. She turned to face him and blushed immediately. "You did say you'd save me a dance," Even though he said this quietly, Stefan still heard the hybrid. Audrey's blush worsened and she nodded at him. Klaus held out his arm for her which she took hesitantly. He led Audrey into the ballroom and lined up with the other couples. As the music began, so did the dance.

       "You can't say things to me in front of Stefan or Damon or anyone else, okay? Until we find out everything I'm not telling anyone, and neither will you," Audrey stated as they moved to the music.

       "I like a woman who is demanding," Klaus flirted, knowing it'd get on her nerves. Audrey blushed and looked away from him. "Did I tell you how ravishing you look tonight? Or that your dance moves are spectacular?"

       "No, and thank you. I have been in Miss Mystic Falls since I was 14," Audrey chuckled. "I've never won, but we always had to take ballroom dance lessons,"

       "How did the most stunning girl in all of Mystic Falls not win?" Klaus asked as he twirled her in his arms.

       "Okay, seriously? Stop with the ass kissing," Audrey answered. "It's annoying and slightly creepy," Klaus only smirked before twirling her into Matt Donovan's arms.

       "Audrey Elizabeth, you look amazing tonight," Matt complimented as the young girl landed in his arms. She smiled up at her friend and shook her head.

       "Matthew James, you're the most handsome man in the ballroom," Audrey responded. "Don't tell Damon I told you that," She winked playfully. He laughed and danced with her.

       "So why are you here with Klaus?" Matt asked as they spun around the ballroom.

       "Well actually, I came here with Damon," Audrey replied. Matt gave her a pointed look so she rolled her eyes at him and sighed dramatically. "It's a long, very long, complicated story. Why are you here with Rebekah?"

       "She asked, so I said yes," Matt answered with a small shrug.

       "Of course you would. You're too much of a gentlemen," Audrey giggled at her friend. Matt smiled down at her and dipped her as the song ended. When he pulled her back up they were still close.

       "Why did we never get together?" Matt asked curiously.

       "Because you were in love with my sister and then my best friend," Audrey smirked. "Besides, we got a taste of each other already, remember?" Matt laughed and nodded at the drunken memory. Audrey laughed with him but when her eyes trailed over to Klaus, her laughter died. He was looking at her passionately and it made her stomach flip. Audrey quickly excused herself from her friend and left to find something to drink. Her throat was suddenly parched. On her quest to find a beverage Audrey ran into Rebekah and Kol.

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