A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

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a/n: So I know this story was on a three month hiatus but I'm finally back! This past summer I did a lot of traveling and I spent a lot of time with friends and family so I never really saw my laptop. But now I'm back and updates should be returning to normal. Thank you to everyone who has stayed with this story! I love you all! Oh and sorry I suck!

Audrey had just stepped into school when she ran into someone. She was about to apologize but when she saw who it was she stopped. Instead she narrowed her eyes and continued walking. "Ouch, not even a hello?" Rebekah sneered.

"I only say hello to my friends, and last I checked we aren't anymore," Audrey spat back.

"Really? You're still mad over that?" Rebekah asked, following the human.

"You almost killed me and got my sister killed, Rebekah. Of course I'm still mad at you!" Audrey answered as she stopped at her locker.

"We're going to be sisters someday too so by default you should have forgiven me by now," Rebekah pouted. "I would have forgiven you by now,"

"Oh right because you Mikaelson's are so forgiving?" Audrey laughed sarcastically. "So does that mean you and Klaus made up?"

"No," Rebekah frowned. "I'll never forgive him this time. He's a ruthless, pathetic, bastard and I want nothing more than to see a dagar in his bloody body,"

"See, exactly my point," Audrey mumbled shutting her locker. "You can't expect me to be all buddy buddy with you after all the shit you've pulled,"

"Audrey, you're looking at this all wrong," Rebekah insisted. "Just please come to my party. I promise it will be worth it," Rebekah handed the human a flyer with the details of a party on it.

"Anti-Curfew party?" Audrey read aloud.

"Starts at 5th period ends whenever," Rebekah smirked.

"You're so theatrical," Audrey snickered before turning to walk away.

"I hope that means you're coming!" Rebekah called after the human. Audrey shook her head and made her way to first period.


Second period had just began when Audrey got a text from Caroline asking her to come outside immediately. Without hesitation, Audrey stood from her desk and grabbed her backpack. "Excuse me, where do you think you're going Miss Gilbert?" Mrs. Shepherd asked with a pointed look.

"Uh-," Audrey replied as she glanced around the room to see all eyes on her. "I-I just can't be here. I thought I was ready to come back to school but because of everything that's happened I-,"

"Very well, you may go. Just stop by the office before you leave," Mrs. Shepherd said quickly cutting the girl off. Maybe it was selfish of Audrey to use the council's death as a 'get out of class free card', but at the moment she couldn't find it in her to care. As she walked outside she saw Caroline and Stefan sitting at a table while Elena paced in front of them furiously.

"Whoa. What's going on?" She asked as she approached everyone.

"I'm going insane Audrey. I want to kill her, that's how angry I am," Elena said frantically.

"What? Kill who?" Audrey asked with confusion.

"Rebekah the psycho barbie," Caroline chirped in. Audrey glanced at her friend and cocked an eyebrow at her. "It was a valiant first day effort. No one will judge you if you want to go home," Caroline said to Elena.

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