Make You Feel

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"Promise to keep me updated?" Audrey questioned nervously.

"I promise. Don't worry, Aud. I'll be okay. I'm a lot stronger than I look," Jeremy chuckled through the phone. He knew Audrey was worried and he wanted to ease her mind.

"I know you are but still, stay close to Bonnie at all times. Don't trust Shane and always stay aware of your surroundings," Audrey said pacing around her living room while Klaus watched her with amusement. "I know it seems like I'm nagging but I'm scared. I want you to stay safe,"

"I know you do, that's why I love you so much," Jeremy smiled. "I'll call you when we get to the island,"

"All right. Give everyone my love okay, even Elena," Audrey sighed. Jeremy agreed before hanging up. Once off the phone, she looked at Klaus who was smiling softly at her.

"You're cute when you worry," He hummed pulling her close the minute she walked near him. She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck and climbed into lap.

"I'm terrified. I have this feeling in my gut and it's telling me something bad is going to happen," Audrey explained. Klaus leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to her neck. "I feel completely helpless,"

"That's because you are, my love," Klaus chuckled causing her to groan. Before they could say anything else, the door opened stopping them. Caroline strolled into the house looking determined.

"Audrey, don't be mad at me," Caroline stated immediately. Audrey climbed off her soulmate and cocked an eyebrow at her friend.

"Why would I be mad at you?" Audrey questioned. Before Caroline could answer, Tyler walked into the house with a smug look on his face. Klaus stood up and glared at the hybrid. "Why is he here?"

"I told him I was coming to help you get rid of Kol's body and he wanted to come with," Caroline sighed. "Look I know Klaus is your boyfriend, but he did still kill Tyler's mom,"

"Yeah and he just watched his brother get murdered last night so call it even," Audrey snapped at Tyler, who was still grinning at Klaus. "I mean it. I understand that you're still upset, I would be to, but today isn't the day to prove your point,"

"Don't worry Audrey, I'm just here to help," Tyler lied before strolling casually into the kitchen. Caroline sighed before following him. Audrey looked back at Klaus and saw he still looked angry. She rolled her eyes before leaning up to kiss him. He was caught off guard for a moment but he quickly kissed her back. She pulled away and smiled softly.

"Relax, I've got your back," Audrey assured the tense hybrid. Klaus stared into her warm chocolate eyes with amazement, he truly didn't deserve this girl. Instead of replying he kissed her again, wanting nothing more than to just melt away with her.

Caroline cleared her throat loudly drawing the couple's attention to her. "Yeah maybe now isn't the best time to get all sexed up considering there's still a dead body in your dining room, or did you forget?" Audrey rolled her eyes at her friend's attitude but still felt warmth spread to her cheeks. She walked over to where Caroline and Tyler stood and glanced down at Kol's body. She quickly looked away unable to fathom it. Caroline sped over to the closet and pulled out a sheet. She sped back over to her friends and covered Kol's body. Tyler and Caroline rolled the sheet around the body before Tyler lifted it with ease and carried it out to his truck. Klaus watched him closely the whole time and for a moment, Audrey swore she saw a tear roll down Klaus's cheek. She couldn't imagine how hard this must be for him. Caroline looked down at the burn mark on the floor and sighed. "There's gonna be a stain left here, no way are we getting all of it out," Caroline huffed.

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