Burning Flame

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Audrey was walking around town, feeling like she was floating on air. She was smiling and waving at people as she walked and it was strange. People who almost died don't walk around all giddily the next day. "Come to decide that the things that I tried were in my life just-," Audrey sighed and answered her phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, you need to get the The Grill. Like now," Elena stated in her panic-but-stern voice.

"What? Why?" Audrey asked, stopping her walk.

"Jeremy lost his job and I don't know," Elena sighed. "Just get here please," Audrey opened her mouth to reply but Elena had already hung up.

"Oh, thanks," Audrey grumbled. Her good mood immediately faltered. She was only a few blocks away from The Grill and decided to jog the rest of the way there. When she stepped through the doors she spotted Damon and Elena instantly. She walked over to them and took a seat at their table. "So, baby brother has been going back to his old ways?"

"Yeah, and I don't know what to do," Elena groaned, holding her head in her hands. "I've tried to get a hold of him but he won't pick up," Audrey rolled her eyes and whipped out her phone. She quickly dialed her brother's number and waited for him to answer. When it went straight to voicemail she grew annoyed.

"Jeremy Gilbert, if you do not answer my goddamn calls I will go to your room and destroy everything in there. Don't underestimate me either, baby brother," Audrey growled into her phone before hanging up. "God, I will literally kill him,"

"You are feisty when you're mad, baby bird," Damon smirked. Audrey glared at him though. "What?"

"Want to enlighten me on how I almost died last night!?" Audrey asked. "Or how when I got stabbed and I was bleeding out on the Lockwood's front porch, it was Klaus who saved me?!"

"What?" Elena asked shocked. Damon paled and scratched the back of his neck.

"Look, I had no idea that Mikael would use you to get to Klaus. It was only suppose to be Elena or A.K.A Katherine. If I would've known I would have saved you but I was a little busy trying to kill an immortal hybrid," Damon explained.

"Well, that immortal hybrid was the one to save my ass for the second time in like three months!" Audrey stated. Damon was staring at Audrey with a knowing look and it was beginning to weird her out. "What?"

"Do you like him or something?" Damon asked nonchalantly.

"And why would you ask that?" Audrey asked, trying to keep her cool.

"Because I've seen this happen before. Someone saves your life and you start to feel a bond for them," Damon explained. "You can't forget what he's done,"

"I know that Damon!" Audrey answered a little too defensively. "Look, I just...it's weird for me alright," No one talked for a while. Elena cleared her throat and decided it was best to change the subject.

"So, back to the Jeremy thing. He is spiraling. Ever since Bonnie broke up with him, he is moody, he is not really talking to anyone," Elena sighed.

"It's typical teenager," Damon replied, throwing another dart at the board.

"Who's seeing ghosts and has lost everyone that he cares about," Audrey added.

"Not everyone. He still had you two," Damon stated. He threw his last dart and walked to the board to retrieve them.

"You okay?" Elena suddenly asked.

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