The Devil Is An Angel

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"Jenna," Audrey sighed, staring down at the gravestone. She gently  placed a rose on the grave and walked over to her parent's grave to do  the same thing. A hand clasped her shoulder and she looked to see Damon  standing behind her. Tears prickled her eyes as she leaned into his  opened arms. Burying her face into his chest she mourned her last living  relative's death.

       "Shh little bird," Damon cooed  smoothing her hair. "I've got you," Ever since he met her, Damon has  seen Audrey as a little sister he was adamant about protecting. She was  his little bird and he swore to himself he'd never let her get hurt. He  was going to miss this with her. Holding her tiny body in his arms as he  comforted her was his favorite past time. Well, that and teasing Elena  constantly. He loved the two sisters in two completely different ways.

        "She's dead Damon," Audrey sobbed. "She's really dead," Damon didn't  say anything and just held the crying girl close to him. Elena was  crying too and held Jeremy to her as they looked at the gravesite. When  it was time to go back to the house for the funeral dinner Audrey stayed  behind everyone else and watched as Damon and Stefan went the opposite  way. She slowly walked over to them just as Damon was revealing his  newest problem. Her hand flew to her mouth and more tears ran down her  soft cheeks. "D-Damon! You-your bit!" He cursed himself and instantly  walked over to Audrey.

       "You weren't meant to see that sweetheart," He sighed pulling her into his arms.

       "You're going to die too!" She cried. "Oh god Damon! You can't die!"

       "We're going to find a cure Audrey," Stefan said. "I promise you,"

        "Klaus," She cried wiping her tears as she stepped away from Damon. "He knows of a cure, he has to!" She looked at Damon and cupped his cheek  with her hand. "We ask him for it and pray to god he helps us out,"

        "Problem with that is he isn't exactly friendly," Damon said  sarcastically. He kissed the palm of her hand and smiled sadly.  "Besides, he can't know Elena's still alive,"

       "We don't tell him," Audrey suggested. "Stefan and I will go talk to him and try  to reason with him," She said looking to Stefan for help.

        "No, Stefan can talk to him but you, little bird, are staying out of  this," Damon smirked wrapping an arm around her waist. "There's a reason we've kept you away and out of all of this,"

       "Damon you  can't die okay? No one else is dying because I swear if you die I think  I'm going to lose it," Audrey explained desperately. Damon just nodded  and kissed her forehead.


       Audrey didn't know what  the hell she was doing. She was being stupid and making risky decisions  and going against everything Damon and Elena have been telling her, but  she needed to do this. "Klaus?" She called out cautiously. She didn't  even know if he'd be here, but something in her gut told her he would.  There was whoosh sound and before her stood one of the most handsome men  she'd ever seen in her life. Her heart, that had already been hammering  in her chest, drummed even harder. Klaus had seen this girl before.  Actually, she had haunted his mind since their first encounter. She  looked more innocent than before and something about that interested  him. She still appeared angelic and stunning to him but he'd never admit  that.

       "Well, to what do I owe the pleasure of being in  the company of such a stunning woman?" He flirted watching the pink tinged her cheeks. She picked at her nails and looked down.

        "Um..I-I need your help," She whispered. She looked up at him mustering  up the best puppy dog look she could make. "I know you know of a cure  for a werewolf bite and Damon needs it," Klaus smirked at her  admiration. She was brave for coming to him alone and no one to protect  her from him.

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