Forever 18

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Audrey was peacefully asleep when a bright light ruined that. She slowly opened her eyes to see her older sister pulling open her curtains. "Elena, it's too early," She groaned miserably. Elena chuckled before walking over to her younger sister's bed to pull off her covers.

"Audrey, it's 10 and you've been sleeping in too much," Elena laughed.

"That's because it's the summer now. You should know, today's your birthday," Elena's face immediately fell. She didn't want to celebrate her birthday when she was so worried for the man she loves.

"Yeah well, it doesn't feel like it," She sighed. Audrey sat up in her bed and looked at her sister. In a second she was up, embracing her tightly.

"Lena, I'm so sorry," Audrey still felt responsible for Klaus taking Stefan away. "If I hadn't persisted Stefan, he-,"

"Stop. You and I both know he would've gone no matter what," Elena sighed. "I just don't understand why Klaus took him away,"

"Who knows, Klaus is psychotic," Audrey mumbled rolling her eyes. Even thinking about the guy gave her chills and not the good ones either. "But let's not talk about that lunatic right now. Today is your birthday and even if you don't want to celebrate it we still are. Caroline and I have worked too hard planning this party for you to just ditch it," Elena only rolled her eyes and walked away. Audrey followed behind, but not before peaking her head into her younger brother's room to check on him. "Hey Sunshine!"

"Ya know, no one's called me that since mom and dad died," Jeremy smiled. Audrey smiled back and leaned against his door frame.

"God, I remember how it got started. We were all watching 'Remember the Titans' and you insisted you were going to be a quarterback like Sunshine," Audrey giggled at the memory.

"Yeah, then dad got everyone to start calling me that," There was a moment of silence between the siblings as they remembered their parents. "I miss them so much,"

"I know, me too," Audrey sighed. "They wouldn't want us to be so sad though. So, get ready for work and have a great day today baby brother!"

"Thank you big sister," Jeremy replied sarcastically. Audrey laughed and walked downstairs to see her sister talking with Alaric. When Alaric saw the younger sister he smiled softly.

"Audrey Gilbert has decided to finally grace us with her appearance!" Ric shouted happily. Audrey smirked and shoved Ric's head playfully.

"So have we heard anything new about Stefan?" She asked as she made a cup of a coffee. She was cautious when talking about Stefan for her sister's sake.

"There has been a string of deaths in Tennessee and they've all been ruled animal attacks," Elena explained.

"Makes sense. I could see Tennessee being a breeding ground for werewolves," Audrey laughed. She took a sip of her coffee and watched her sister carefully. "Well, we should go tell Damon the news," Elena nodded in agreement. "Alaric, you're welcome to join us,"

"Nah, I don't have the time or patience to deal with Damon right now," Alaric responded with a hint of distaste in his voice. Elena shared a look with her sister because they both knew the real reason.

"Okay!" Audrey said grabbing her sister's hand. "Let's go," The drive to the Salvatore's house was short but her sisters insistent tapping on the dashboard made it long. After parking the car and walking in they both went looking for their friend. "Sexy! Where are you?"

"Little bird!" The two sisters turned around to witness Damon standing behind them completely naked. Elena immediately covered her eyes but Audrey was too in shock to do anything but stare. Her face turned red as she glanced down at his private area. "Enjoying the view?"

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