Devil's Advocate

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Audrey hadn't slept at all when she got home from the ball. After her kiss with Klaus, she pushed him away and ran out of the room like some scared coward. She couldn't believe she had actually kissed him. As hot water ran over her skin she relaxed. Her mind was going haywire over everything while her heart remained calm. It was a sickening feeling. As Audrey stepped out of the shower, Elena stormed in. "Whoa!" Audrey shouted as she covered herself with a towel.

       "I'm sorry, but we need to go to Damon's," Elena explained.

       "Why?" Audrey asked, pulling the towel around her tighter.

       "I...He told me he was in love with me last night and I kind of told him that it was a problem," Elena admitted guilty. "I feel terrible,"

       "Jesus Christ, Elena!" Audrey groaned. "Damon is fragile and when he gets broken he does dumb things like getting drunk and sticking his dick in anything that walks!" Elena looked down and sighed. "I told you not to lead him on if you still loved Stefan,"

       "I wasn't-," Elena began but her younger sister was quick to cut her off.

       "Don't lie. I know you have feelings for both of them," Audrey stated. Elena rolled her eyes and exited the room angrily. Audrey walked to her closet to change before meeting Elena back downstairs. The ride to the Salvatore's was completely silent. As the two sisters walked up to the house, the front door opened to reveal a blonde Original doing the walk of shame. "Ow ow! Damn Rebekah Mikaelson!" Audrey whooped as Rebekah passed by. Bekah winked at her friend before shooting Elena a death glare. As Rebekah left, the two Gilbert sisters stepped into the house.

       "Did you stop taking your vervain?" Elena asked as she slammed the door shut. Damon rolled his eyes as he buttoned up his shirt.

       "You think Rebekah had to compel me?" Damon asked with a snarky tone. Audrey rolled her eyes at the brooding vampire.

       "What's wrong with you?! She tried to kill me less than forty eight hours ago!" Elena shouted. She looked like she was on the verge of pulling her hair out.

       "Can we just move past that, Elena?" Damon groaned as he walked over to his liquor cabinet.

       "So is that how it's going to be now? I hurt your feelings and this is how you lash out at me?" Elena asked as she watched the vampire pour himself a drink.

       "Well, maybe for once, something I did had nothing to do with you," Damon suggested sarcastically as he took a drink.

       "You should know that Esther is planning on killing her entire family. She's linked them all together with a spell. Whatever happens to one, happens to all of them," Elena explained getting Audrey's attention.

       "Well, that's great! Klaus will finally be dead. We win. Why do you look like someone just shot a panda bear?" Damon asked bitterly.

       "Uh, because to kill Klaus she has to kill all of them, including Elijah! And he doesn't deserve this!" Elena argued.

       "Whoa, why did no one tell me about this?" Audrey asked.

       "Because you were too busy being swooned by the asshole hybrid. What's going on between you two, anyways? He buys you a bunch of shit and you're suddenly kissing the ground he walks on?" Damon sneered at his friend.

       "Hey! Just because you're hurting does not mean you have the right to lash out on me! So why don't you put on your big boy pants and stop pouting!" Audrey yelled back at him. Damon rolled his eyes at her and took another drink.

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