Home Again

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Sorry that updates take so long. I promise I haven't forgotten about this book I've just been so busy with my life lately. If I'm not working than I'm trying to see my friends and have a little bit of a social life. I apologize to everyone who's been waiting for this chapter! I love you all and I can't thank you all enough for reading Sinful! Enjoy!

As Audrey looked around she saw many strangers she didn't know at all. She was outside somewhere and in front of her was a huge stage. Was she at some concert? The lights around them began to dim and a loud sound emerged from the huge amps all along the stage and the arena. Music began to play and lights shined on the stage. The crowd began to scream with excitement, everyone started pushing towards the front, begging to be closer to the band about to play. Two arms wrapped around Audrey and she looked behind her to see Klaus. "What's going on?" She asked with confusion. He motioned towards the stage with a smirk.

"Keep watching and find out," He teased, his smirk widening when she frowned and huffed at him. She looked at the stage again and though she could barely make out the faces, she immediately recognized the music. 'Breathe' by Pink Floyd began to play and she realized it was the actual band, not a different one just doing a cover of the song. Tears began to well in her eyes as immense happiness took over her.

"Klaus! I-This-," She stuttered in awe. His arms squeezed her and he placed a kiss on her cheek.

"I know this isn't real but I figured it would be almost as good," He chuckled.

"No this is amazing. Thank you so much," Audrey laughed through her tears. Klaus smiled and kissed her cheek. Before she knew it he was lifting her onto his shoulders so she could see better. She laughed wildly and steadied herself before looking at the stage again. Together the two sang along to every song the band played. Audrey never knew she could have so much fun in only a dream.

When her eyes fluttered open she saw Klaus was already awake staring at her. He smiled softly at her and leaned down to press a light kiss to her lips. When he pulled away she wore a huge smile. "You are the most amazing soulmate I could've ever asked for," she sighed with complete happiness.

"Did you expect any less?" Klaus chuckled causing her to snort.

"That was so real I actually felt like I was there," Audrey said in awe struck still. "I don't know how I can thank you,"

"I've got a few ideas, sweetheart," Klaus smirked as he leaned down to kiss her neck.

"Yeah? Mmm what are they?" She hummed in question but the grin on her face said that she already knew.

"Why don't I just show you," Klaus flirted kissing his way to her lips. Audrey moaned into the kiss and tightened her grip on him.

"Sounds absolutely lovely," She gasped. Before things could heat up Audrey's phone began to ring. Normally she would ignore it but she knew it was Jeremy and immediately pushed Klaus off of her to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey, so we made it to the island a few hours ago and so far so good," Jeremy answered. "We're on the search for some cave that should hold Silas and the cure," Audrey sighed with relief but still felt uneasy.

"Well, I'm glad you made it there safe. I'm so worried Jer, it's killing me not being there with you all," Audrey expressed anxiously.

"I know and I love you for it," Jeremy chuckled. "We'll be fine, Audrey. Soon we'll all be home with the cure and we can finally put an end to this nightmare,"

Sinful |Klaus Mikaelson||Where stories live. Discover now