Class Trial {1} I

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Hello, hello everyone! Now I know what you must be wondering! Why did you start with the second one instead of the first one?

Well to answer that!

. . . .

I have no idea!

Anyway just incase you didn't read the warning in the description,

> Will be different from the game.
> will be 17 classmates instead of 16
> Mature language will be used
>some sexual things will be in here as well.

I'm hoping to get at least to 10 chapters! Anyway let's get on with the story!
Hajime Hinata's POV

Here I am standing in front of the school I have always admired, the school I have always wanted to get into, and now I have!

The only way you can get into this school is by being invited by the school it's self, however you have to be the "Ultimate" of the field your in.

Oh right I almost forgot. . Introductions.

Well my name is Hajime Hinata, I'm just an ordinary guy that just got accepted into the school of his dreams. . I guess I should tell you my Ultimate ability but I can't because I don't know what that is.

However at the moment I step foot outside the school that didn't matter to me, Hopes Peak academy is a school that's widely known, if you graduate from the school your the hope to the future. Everyone has dreamed about this school.

And I'm finally attending I couldn't be happier.

. . . .

At least that's what I first thought.

When I started to walk in my head felt funny, it was like the room was spinning, that's all I saw was a door, I somehow managed to moved to the door and opened it, when I did I saw some people in a classroom, they all was looking at me. Well all but one person.

I couldn't see her today but he had long pink hair, she was looking out the window while everyone else was looking at me.

"Your finally here."

"Are you a new student?"

"Wait does that mean-" I asked.

"Yep we're all new students looks like we're class mates!"

I nodded my head and looked around everyone, everyone was looking at me and speaking but there one that was not interested at all.

"How long do you plan on standing there? You coming in or what?"

"Ah right my apologies!"

I spoke but then realized I don't really need to be so polite they are my age, so I walked in and closed the door, I then found an empty seat and sat down. I was next to the pink haired girl.

"Now that he is finally here we can begin. Since this is all of us."

"What how do you know this is all of us?"

"There 17 desks so that means there are 17 in this room now."

All of them realized it was true and so the guy carried on.

"Now let me ask you all something, does any of you remember how you got to this room?"

Once he asked that all but one looked around and was shocked that no one knew how they got there. I looked at the girl that I was sat next too and it seemed like she wasn't going to say anything no matter if we asked her so right now I left her alone.

"Are you all here? Alrighty!"

We all looked around when we heard a voice. We looked at the guy that spoke first.

"Hey you fat fuck why did you use that cute voice?!"

"I have you know I didn't do that and I ain't fat your all just thin." He responded back.

That's when a bunny stuffed animal came out of no where. They say on the teacher's desk in front of us.

"Well hello everyone! I'm Magical Girl Miracle ★ Usami or just Usami! I'm your teacher." She spoke

All of us was shocked, well that's what I thought but the girl I was sat next too only looked at Usami with a blank look in her eyes. Usami then continued to speak. "Now then how about a class trip?" She asked us.

"A class trip?!?! You can't just spring a class trip on us right now! We just got to this school!"

"A change of scenery will do us some good so let's go!" Usami spoke as she waved her toy want

And all of a sudden. . . .

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's what I'm mostly good at, cliff hanger!!

Anyway I appreciate you guys reading!

Bye for now

To be continued!

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