Class Trial {62} Was

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We was all looking at Nagito at this point, as soon as we heard him say that too us we kept our eyes on him. "A-Are you serious? J-just mine?" I asked him.

"It's quite troubling that you would ask me that. I must say. . .it was always interesting that Hajime was the only one who couldn't remember his talent. . .But that ends now." Nagito spoke up too is all.

"A-Are you serious. . .? Did you really find out why I was chosen by Hope's Peak Academy. . .!" I asked him.

"I think Hajime is excited now. ." Lunair said outloud.

I looked at her and gave a small smile nodding my head at her words. That's when I turned back to Nagito waiting for him too say why exactly I was chosen too attend hopes peak. "Just some Reserve Course student from the Reserve Department." He answered with.

Me, Lunair and Chiaki was looking at him, me and Chiaki had confused looks on our faces as he said that. ". . . . Huh?" I asked him.

"Unlike the Primary Department for main course students who possess Ultimate talents, the Reserve Department is for Reserve Course students who entered the school through a basic entrance exam. Essentially. . .you're like a substitute or the second-string. Well, even then, that's just in name only. . . The Reserve Department pretty much only exists to increase Hope's Peak Academy's revenue stream." He explained to us.

Reserve Department. . .?
Substitute. . .?
Second-string. . .?
Revenues stream. . .?
Wh-What is he. . .saying. . .?

"Like I said, to be a Reserve Course student, you don't need to possess an Ultimate talent. You just have to pay a rather costly entrance fee and tuition. . . With the funds obtained from these exams, the academy can focus on "bolstering and researching talent." Through this. . .the symbols of hope can be raised. Which means you're just a stepladder. . .But you should feel honored. An average, talentless human can be put to good use for those who are known as mankind's hope!" He started to talk once again.

"W-what does that mean?!" I asked him.

"Perhaps. . .you simply weren't determined enough. Did you admire hope. . .? Were you willing to sacrifice your body and soul to attend Hope's Peak Academy? Or maybe. . .you were just obsessed with Hope's Peak Academy, like a fangirl following the latest trend." He started to say once again.

"I-its not like that!" I said back to him.

" '. . .wanted to become hope!'? If that's what you're thinking, just stop it. Listen carefully. . . The only humans worthy of becoming hope possess amazing talents and a strong will. And. . .the moment you're born into this world, you either have that or you don't. It has nothing to do with effort! You must be chosen by hope to become hope! That's why. . .it's not even worth admiring. . . Or. . .were you so blinded by your admiration for Hope's Peak Academy that you couldn't even see that?" He said back to me.

"That's enough. . . Say anymore and I'll test that hope of yours Nagito. I suggest you stop picking on Hajime. Right now." Lunair said to him.

I looked at her shocked and gave a small smile too her as she said that too Nagito, she was once again sticking up for me. Nagito simply looked at her for a while and then started to explain the ultimate weapon we was all paying attention too his words as he spoke up and that's when we all started to make our way back to the crime scene as Lunair wanted to check it out.

"C'mon. . .Are you guys feeling okay, too? Now's not the time to be staring into space." Nagito started as soon as we got too the crime scene.

Nagito. . . There's definitely something wrong with you. I thought he was just treating me differently ever since he found out I have no talent, but. . . It seems like that's not entirely the case.

His attitude toward everyone else is strange now, too. . . But why?

". . .I am terribly sorry. . .but I simply cannot investigate Nekomaru's body. . ." Sonia said.

"Then don't, no one asked you too anyway." Lunair replied and moved towards the body.

She knelt down and started to search the body herself and once she was done she turned to me and started to give me the run down on what she found. Everyone started to complain that Monokuma didn't write anything specific in the Monokuma file. And as usual that's when he appeared out of no where.

"I can explain!" He spoke.

"You don't put any good or helpful information in here on purpose right?" Chiaki asked him.

Monokuma gasped as he heard those words from Chiaki. "If I wrote something like that, you'd be able to find out who the blackened is! If that happens, the class trial won't get heated up!" Monokuma said to them.

"Then you shouldn't have prepared it in the first place!" Monomi said raging.

"You stupid little sister! You don't understand at all! The number of fans who are eagerly waiting for the moment I present the Monokuma File. . .is over 100,000!" Monokuma said.

"Your just trying to scare me now!" Monomi said to them.

"Why did they come here again?" I asked everyone as soon as they both left.

"I should've kept my mouth shut. . . Now I'm just exhausted. . ." Fuyuhiko spoke up and said while sighing.

"Jeez you guys are the worst." Nagito said sighing.

I looked at him with a confused look on my face, as soon as I did he looked at me and then answered me as soon as I said 'huh?' He just sighed at me. "I found this under the pillar." Nagito said. Holding up what looked like a door nob.

That'd when the moment we have all been dreading arrived. Monokuma announced the time for everyone too go to the class trials.

We all made our way there and took our assigned seats as we did. Monokuma explained once again. However, Akane started to say.

"I'm here today. . .because coach Nekomaru risked his life. . .to protect me. . .I'm gonna be the one who avenges him! I'll definitely find out who the killer is!. . .I'm definitely not tempted by curry, got it!?" Akane said too us all.

"Akane!! You have impressive amount of drool right now!" Sonia said shocked.

"Hey. . .why don't we try going over the incident? We weren't able to leave Strawberry House, so I want to make sure we get a detailed understanding. . ."

Finally on the Class Trial of chapter 4!! Yay! Thanks for reading everyone I appreciate all the support you give me!

Thanks again!

Bye for now

To be continued!

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