Class Trial {17} Of

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"it's time for the class trial! Please make your way to the Monokuma rock so we can get the show on the road! See you everyone!"

All of us sighed and we started to walk to the Monokuma rock, this time everyone was there. But Hiyoko was angry which was understandable because someone she was close too just died. "Come on let's go in so we can get Mahiru's killer dead!" She shouted.

"H-Hiyoko m-maybe try and c-calm down an-"

"Shut up you ugly whore!"

"Hey Mikan was only trying to help you. No need to be like that shortie." Luniar responded.

No matter how many times Luniar helped Mikan I'm still surprised each time. Especially this time, Mikan hugged Luniar and Luniar didn't push her away. She just stayed there still.

The Monokuma rock opened and all of us went in, one by one. We took our assigned stands and that's when Monokuma began to speak.

"Let's start this debate by discussing about the game." He spoke.

"Yes I think we all know that there are people here that was in the game. We need to know who they are." Chiaki spoke up too.

"Well some of us didn't play the game so care to explain?" Peko asked.

"Hajime you can do the honours." Chiaki spoke.

"Let's see Girl A has a shy snd timid that's. . Mikan."


"Shut up you useless pig!"

"That was in the game too." Luniar said.

"What-?" Hiyoko said surprised.

"Your right and the one that said that was Girl B." I clarified.

"Girl C had a hyper, energetic, bubbly personality and the one that suits that is Ibuki." I explained.

"Right and girl D?" Chiaki asked.

"Girl D is Mahiru." I said.

"Wow! What hope your actually managing to this!" Nagito said.

I'm going to ignore him.

"We'll skip girl E but there was a other character, Guy F. Guy F was angry that his little sister was hurt. So that means guy F is. . . Fuyuhiko." I said.

"The fuck you talking about?! I didn't give anyone permission to put me in a stupid game!" He shouted out.

"It's Monokuma like he'd ask for permission anyway." Luniar said.

"Puhuhuhuhu! Oh how she knows me~"

I think I'll ignore him too.

"So Girl A is Mikan, Girl B is Hiyoko, Girl C is Ibuki, girl D is Mahiru and Guy F is Fuyuhiko. Is that right?" Sonia asked.

I nodded my head at her as she asked that, that's right. Fuyuhiko tried to say that's not true but we all knew that it was. I told them all about the time I saw Fuyuhiko in the dinner and how he mentioned to me about a little sister. Once I did that he couldn't deny it anymore, however he still thought his sister was alive. "I'm afraid not she is dead Fuyuhiko. Too bad, so sad ~" Monokuma spoke up.

"You know I'm starting to get hungry anyone want bear Katsudon?" Luniar asked.

"Yep. . . Got it, shutting up." Monokuma said.

I wanted to laugh at that but no, we all decided to go with the true identities of the character in that game. Then we moved on. "I did find a letter in Mahiru's pocket." Luniar spoke up while holding up the letter.

"Can you read it out please?" I asked her.

She nodded and looked at the letter that she was holding in her hands. Then started to read. "I was going to tell you in person, but I couldn't find you so I put this in your mail box. About what we discussed earlier, is it okay if we change the place and time? I want you to come to the beach house on the second island at 2:30 p.m. It seems there's someone who wants to interfere with our meeting. Let's keep it a secret. Until then, let's try not to see each other for a while. It would be bad if they started suspecting us for no reason. -Hiyoko Saionji"

We all looked at Hiyoko. She was confused as she heard those words. "No I didn't write that letter!" She said.

"Then who did?" Sonia asked.

"Well obviously the killer!" She shouted.

"What makes you say that?" Akane asked.

"Well because. . ."

"You had a letter didn't you." Luniar said.

That's when we all looked at Hiyoko again, she just simply nodded her head and then brought it out. We asked her to read the letter and that's when she then started to read the letter she had. "I was going to tell you in person, but I couldn't find you so I put this in your mail box. About what we discussed earlier, is it okay if we change the place? I want you to come to the beach house on the second island. The time is still the same at 2:00 p.m. It seems there's someone who wants to interfere with our meeting. Let's keep it a secret. Until then, let's try not to see each other for a while. It would be bad if they started suspecting us for no reason. -Mahiru Koizumi"

"Wait. . . Your letter said 2:00. . . But the one Mahiru had said, 2:30. ." I spoke up.

"But why. .?" Some of them asked.

"It's obvious, the true killer wanted everyone to think Hiyoko was the one that killed Mahiru. So they made her go there early. They probably gave her something to knock her out and then hid her somewhere then when Mahiru came killed her instantly." Luniar explained.

"Okay 1. How the hell do you know that?! 2. Mahiru managed to move over to the door! Right?" Kazuichi spoke up.

"No. . Mikan told me that she died instantly by a blunt object. So Mahiru was already dead instantly. So the only way she was able to get to the door was if the killer moved her over there." I said, agreeing with what Luniar said.

Everyone looked at me. That's when Luniar said something that cought all of our attention.

"I think the game is the reason this happened."

Chapter 17 done! Yay! Hopefully I can get this too a lot of chapters but not too much! Anyway nearly too 20 chapters now's!

Thanks for your support everyone I really appreciate it.

Bye for now

To be continued!

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