Class Trial {60} What

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~Next morning~

When I got up and I walked out of the room, my body still feeling heavy and weak from the hunger I am feeling. It was like my body would be eating it's self at any moment now. I made my way too the lounge too see what time it was when I got there all I saw was Luniar sat there.

I raised an eyebrow and that's when I remembered she was here last night as well. I walked over to too and gave a small smile, not a proper one as I'm too weak and tired for that. She looked at me and moved her attention to the table.

"Good morning Luniar." I said to her.

She simply nodded her head at me and then got up. I was confused as she done that, and she must have noticed I was confused because she stopped moving and looked at me. "It's time for that ti chi class." She spoke to me.

I noticed the time and relaxed she was in fact right, that's when I walked with her, I was going to ask her why she wasn't in her room but I decided to just leave it until this class is done.

But that didn't happen, because as soon as we got too the grape tower we walked in and that's when we saw Nekomaru laying there. Head cut off and string around his body, his leg broken. Yet again we lost one of our friend.

I bowed my head looking down at the floor and that's when we heard it. The announcement.

"A body have been discovered! After some time of investigation we have the class trial!"

That's when I looked back and I saw the others from the grape house standing there. The only one that wasn't upset right now was of course Luniar. . We all looked down at Nekomaru's body.

"And we just had him back. . ." Chiaki spoke up.

Monokuma came around handing us the file of the next case. He also said he will go and fill the others in as they can't get over here, the elevator isn't working now. I sighed and with everyone else we opened up the file that we was all given.

The victim is Nekomaru Nidai, AKA "Robomaru" after his robotic transformation. His body was discovered in Grape Tower, which is inside the Funhouse. His head is severely damaged and beyond repair, so that shall be considered the cause of death. Despite the fact that his arms and legs are dismembered. These limbs were actually designed to be detachable, and it seems they separated due to a severe impact. Aside from that, several other areas of this body are damaged. Because of this, many of his functions seem to have shut down.

I looked up at Nekomaru's now dead body and sighed once more. That's when I noticed Luniar walking out of the room. I followed after her and noticed she was making her way to the lounge this was when I heard the phone ring. She walked in and picked it up she held it so I could hear the conversation as well.

"Hello. . .?" She spoke up.

"Luniar ?! Luniar is that you?! It's Kazuichi! Is everything okay with you lot?!" He asked her kind of worried too.

"Robomaru is dead. ." She said to him.

". . . . I see. So Monokuma was right, he was telling the truth then. ."

"I'm afraid so. . . We're already starting the investigation over this end." Luniar explained to him.

"Okay, I'll try and fix the elevator over this end and for some reason the door too the tower isn't opening up. Can you see if there is anything stopping it while your investigating?" Kazuichi asked.

"Mhm. ." Luniar simply replied with and then out the phone down, hanging up on him.

I looked at her and we made our way back to the tower, where Monokuma was already waiting for us once again. This was when he handed each of us a bottle of water and some food. Everyone else started to eat straight away while Luniar didn't she was just looking at it.

She moved her attention towards Monokuma and looked at him suspicious like. "What's the catch you sadistic bear?" She asked him.

"Puhuhuhu, no catch. I told you, you wasn't allowed food until another murder happened so now that it have you get food come on my lady have a little faith in me~!" Monokuma spoke up.

Luniar looked at him and sighed, splitting it half and ate half of it, then split the other half into fours and gave a piece of me, Akane, Sonia and Chiaki. We all looked at her with confusion as she did that for us all.

"Why. . .?" Chiaki asked her, a surprise tone of voice.

"Why what. .?" Luniar asked her back.

"Why did you just do that?" Akane asked her.

"Because I can."

Thanks for reading everyone! I have finally got into the investigation for the fourth chapter and it only taken 60 chapters to do so. 😅

Thanks for the support everyone i appreciate it.

Bye for now

To be continued!

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