Class Trial {35} The

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"Milan what are you talking about? Who was stolen?" Fuyuhiko asked her.

Luniar only looked at her as she said those words to everyone. That's when she must have realized something because she done the thing she always does when she figured something out. She made her eyes glance down to the floor after she was looking at something for a while. "You cought the the remember disease didn't you Mikan?" Luniar asked her.

Mikan looked at her with again nothing but love in her eyes and nodded her head. "Yes I remember everything that happened before the killing game. You all will be shocked when you find out. Let me just tell you that." She said.

Luniar got off the podium where she was standing and walked over to Mikan. "This won't change the fact that you will die, but. ." she stopped when she was Infront of Milan, Luniar looking at Mikan and held her cheeks making Mikan look at her too. "I forgive you Mikan." Lunair spoke out.

Everyone was shocked when Luniar said that to Mikan, Mikan however looked like she won the the lottery. She gave a smile and nodded her head at Lunair. "even though your voice is as cold as ice and eyes are so emotionless, I've always thought you were a kind person!" Mikan said to Lunair.

Lunair however didn't even bat an eye she just kept looking at Mikan letting her go after a while. "Mikan, did you do this to make your "beloved" happy? Why would they be happy about this?" Lunair asked her.

"My beloved will be extremely happy about this, and even the one that was stolen from me, I will never forgive the person that stole them away from me." Once Mikan said that she looked me.

That left me confused as to why she did that, I didn't steal anyone. . . Did I? I don't have a partner and for the most part I don't talk to anyone when I can help it. . . But then again Monokuma did say my school memories are gone so maybe the things Mikan can remember I did, I can't because they were in school?

"However it doesn't matter because I got to do things I never thought I'd be able to do. . Monokuma I'm ready for my punishment." Mikan spoke up.

"As you wish, just know I forgive you for what you did. At least You'll know someone did before your execution. After all it's the rules of th game, if your beloved would be really happy with you dying then their just as stupid as this game." Lunair spoke up.

For some reason Mikan looked destroyed and full of more despair when Lunair said that too her. The bit of hope she once had in her eyes gone. "Okay now then everyone! Iiiiiiiiiiiit's punishment tiiiiiiiime!!" Monokuma spoke up and slammed his hammer on the button.

Then Mikan's execution began. She was shot on a rocket into the sky. Once it was over all of us had nothing but despair. Lunair however started to walk away. "Puhuhuhuhu, you'll never change my lady." Monokuma spoke up.

That's when Lunair stopped and looked back at him, eyes just as dead and lifeless as the day we all met her. "My. . . Lady?" I asked out loud.

"C-could it be that Lunair is a Noble?" Sonia asked no one in particular.

"Don't be stupid, Monokuma is just testing my patients again, there's no way in a noble person and I would take what Monokuma says with a pinch of salt." Lunair said.

"No. . . Your not getting it away with it this time! Even Mikan was acting like your her everything! First, Monokuma was treating with respect and a bit of love, and now Mikan treated you like your her whole world! What's going on here?!" Kazuichi shouted out.

"Control yourself, I assure you I don't have anything to do with any of this. My memories have been taken just like yours, so whatever it is I don't know and I can't answer you." Lunair spoke back.

"Hmmm this is one confusing situation. . And for a change I didn't cause it!" Nagito chimed in.

I just rolled my eyes what that guy was saying. I saw Lunair walking out and that's when I started to follow her. We both managed to leave the area and that's when I looked at her. "Lunair . . . What do you think is going on?" I asked her.

To my surprise she started to walk to the music venue. I of course followed in suit. However she didn't answer me I sighed as she looked carried on walking. "Lunair?" I asked her.

She stopped and picked two flowers from the ground. And carried on walking, when we got to the music Venue we walked in. Everything was so clean, it was like the murder never happened. It was so scary. Lunair placed a flower down in front of the place and Ibuki died and then one in front of where Hiyoko died.

"Why you doing that?" I asked her.

". . . Why?"

Thanks for reading everyone!

I am curious what do you think is going on here? Why is Monokuma so interested in Lunair and why did Mikan act like that?

I appreciate your support.

Bye for now

To be continued!

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