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Krist was about halfway now to Seattle. The clock read 2:45. He glanced at it and huffed.

As his hazel eyes slowly look back to the front. He firmly shoved his foot down on the break.

His body jolted forward as he huffed. The car halted. Purring softly as he noticed a familiar blonde.

With his thumb out, Kurt Cobain.

Krist's jaw dropped. He opened his door and stepped out of the car. He ran himself over.

Around his car as he approached the blonde. "Kurt?!" Krist shouted the others name.

Kurt has a black bag on over his shoulders. A small smile rises to his face as he noticed the taller.

Wearing nothing but his flipper tee and baggy pair of jeans. His arms were littered in goosebumps from the cold.

His eyes had a watery red hue to them. Cerulean gaze slowly makes their way upwards to the height of Novoselic.

"Fuck, what the hell are you doing?" Krist sneered out with a huff. Kurt chuckled softly.

The small timid smile remained on his face. Exposing the little dimples on his cheeks. His arms loosely crossed with the bag resting over his shoulders.

A guitar on the ground beside the road. Krist furrowed his eyebrows. "Did we actually, forget you here?"

Kurt shrugged his shoulders. His expression made an dramatical, 'No shit, but who cares'.

The taller scoffed. "Jesus, you're freezing. How the hell did we forget you?" He spat out the question.

Taking off his jacket. He slipped it on over Kurt's fragile body. His thin arms slipped through the warmth.

The tan colored jacket with the orange inside was a bit oversized on the blonde. But he could careless.

His voice softly replied, "Well Dave was wasted. And - I just briefly told him to leave me here at Seattle. I had some uh, stuff to do..here." He stammered out the last bits.

Krist scoffed and knelt down. He zipped the coat up into the blonde. Kurt felt imediantly warmer.

The taller went over and picked up Kurt's guitar. "You're lucky it was me who found you. If you got hitchhiked by somebody else. Do you know how dangerous that is?!"

His voice got louder in worry as he turned the face Kurt. Kurt laughed softly. He walked himself over to the van.

"Eh, who cares." Kurt muttered. He opened the van's door. Seeing the cigarette pack resting on the passenger.

"Oh! Thanks!" Kurt beamed as he picked it up. He sits in the passenger. Krist hurried himself into the driver's.

The doors shut in sync with each other. Krist sets Kurt's guitar behind into the backseat.

"Those are mine, but..sure have a smoke." Krist muttered. A little smile starting to rise up on the corners of his lips.

Kurt nodded as Krist handed the lighter over. Kurt flicked it on and lights the cig.

He rolled down the window. Blinking the watery tears out of his eyes. The bassist noticed the tears and placed a hand on the wheel.

"Your eyes have been watering this entire time.. are you okay?" He asked. Kurt blinked again and takes a drag of his cigarette.

"Yeah, just tired." Kurt somewhat lied to the other. His voice muffled due to the stick in between his lips.

Taking off his bag, he slumps it onto the floor in front of his feet. Krist glanced at the bag as he turned the car around with one hand.

"Where'd you get that?" Krist asked as he focused his gaze back to the road. Now driving back in the direction of their home.

Kurt takes another drag of the cigarette, exhaling the smoke out the window. "Uh, somebody gave it to me."

Krist furrowed his eyebrows. But didn't question. He simply shrugged his shoulders and yawned.

"Whatever, let's just get home." Krist acknowledged to the other man. Briefly looking at Kurt before focusing his attention to the drive back.

Kurt flicked the cigarette out of the window. He tucked up his knees and leaned back in the car seat.

"Mkay." Kurt mumbled.

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