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Krist kept a hold onto his boyfriend. Holding Kurt in bridal style with love and passion.

"Kurt, baby. Open the door for me." Krist muttered into Kurt's ear. Kurt giggled as opened the bedroom door.

Krist carried Kurt in his arms as he walked down the hallway. He cleared his throat as he started to make dramatic sounds.

"DA! BA! BO! DE! DUM!" Krist hollered out which caused Kurt to laugh. Hiding his face into Krist's chest.

His arms around Krist's neck still as Krist remained holding him with a strong grip on his arms.

Dave heard the giggling and happiness from downstairs. He lifted his head and started to smile.

Krist came down the stairs with Kurt in his arms. Kurt smashed his lips onto Krist's cheek as they make it fully down.

Dave noticed this and gasped in awee and happiness. "Oh my, god! Krist?! Am I gonna hear some news?!" He exclaimed.

Krist broke into a happy grin. He nodded his head and kissed Kurt's cheek back in return. "Damn you are! I'm dating Kurt! He's my boyfriend!"

Dave clapped and screamed in happiness. "Yeahoo! That's awesome man! I'm so proud for you two!" He beamed.

Kurt suddenly went quiet. He blushed and leaned his head to Krist's ear. Krist listened as Kurt muttered shyly,

"Can we go into you room and cuddle..? I'm kinda tired and need some sleep."

Krist nodded. He turned back at Dave, still holding Kurt in his muscular arms. "I'll be upstairs, Kurt needs to sleep."

Dave nodded and gave a small thumbs up. Before a yawn escaped his own lips. "Yeah, I think we should. We haven't been getting good sleep lately. We definitely all need it." He agreed.

Krist nodded. "You gonna sleep down here?" He asked. Dave nods. "Yeah, I'd rather sleep on the couch. It's right in front of the TV!" He exclaimed. Pointing to a movie he's currently watching.

Krist rolled his eyes. Kurt has his face hidden into his boyfriends chest. Already starting to fall asleep there.

"Haha,of course. Goodnight Dave." Krist muttered as he sleepily looked at the clock. It read 9:00PM.

"Night." Dave responded.

The couple went back upstairs. Krist grunted softly as he continued to carry Kurt up.

He eyed down at the blonde. His heart fluttered noticing Kurt has fallen asleep in his arms.

The bassist carried Kurt into his(Krist's) bedroom. He entered. Walking over to the bed and calmly sets Kurt down onto it.

Krist slipped off his shirt that he's been wearing for days at a time. Tossing it to the floor. He stretched and popped his back muscles.

He then quietly walked himself the door. He shuts it and yawned. Walking back over to his bed.

The light was already off. He didn't have to worry about that. Krist crawled into the bed with his boyfriend.

Kurt shifted and opened his eyes. He smiled as he laid his head onto Krist's chest.

His pointer finger sleepily drawing shakes onto it as he yawned. "Krist?" He sleepily called.

"Yes, babe?" Krist replied as he pulled the blanket up. Covering the two up with the warm comforter. Along with three other blankets.

They felt warm and cozy in each other's arms. Kurt sleepily left little kisses to Krist's barechest.

Krist blushed a little. He rubbed Kurt's slept in red+black striped sweater's back.

Kurt pulled his head up. He then laid it back onto Krist's chest. Yawning obnoxiously dramatic as he giggled.

"I love you." Kurt whispered. His hand going flat on Krist's chest. Tapping his fingers on the skin for a moment.

Krist leaned his head down. He kissed Kurt's cheek. "I love you too, very much." Kurt felt himself smile again.

"You make me happy." Kurt admitted. Krist's heart fluttered once he heard this. "I do?" He croaked out tiredly.

Kurt felt his eyes grow suddenly super tired. Feeling warm and cozied up next to the bass player made him drowsy.

He nodded his head. Krist sighed in relaxation. He kissed Kurt's head. "Are there anymore secrets?" He asked.

Kurt shakes his head.
"No More Secrets."
He replied.

Then, asked.
"Are there anymore secrets from you?"

Krist shakes his head.
"No More Secrets."
He replied.

The two kissed each other softly on the lips.
Then, pulled back.
Holding each other as they fell asleep.

Happily and peacefully.

The end.♡

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