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He gave up. Krist opened his eyes. Seemingly sleeping was a fail this time.

He pushed himself up. His mind was racing about Kurt's condition. He needed to check on the blonde.

He gets himself out of bed. Picking up the same shirt he wore a few days ago and slipped it on.

Leaving his room, he quietly makes his way down to Kurt's room. Hearing the sound of a guitar playing.

He gasped softly and walked over, peaking his head in. Kurt is awake.

Sitting on his bed. The blanket off him. His fingers moving against the strings of his acoustic guitar. He hears the song 'Polly.' being softly sang.

His eyes are shut as he focused. Singing softly into the dark cold air. Krist felt a small smile grow up on his lips as he listened in.

Quietly, he walked himself in. Listening to Kurt sing the chorus with his eyes closed.

He sits on the bed, which caused Kurt to stop abruptly. He opened his eyes. Looking over at Krist.

His hands began to get clammy. He sets the guitar down and cleared his throat.

Krist bit the inside of his cheek. "Sorry for interrupting...Hi." He spoke up. It felt like an eternity since the last time they spoke.

"Hi." Kurt responded. He scratched the back of his head. Pushing some blonde greasy hair behind his ear.

Krist's hair is damped, but almost dry. He gave a warm smile to the blonde. "You feeling better? I noticed you ate dinner."

A shrug of shoulders came into response. He got off his bed. Walking himself to his dresser.

He tugged it open. Grabbing a sweater and cardigan. He threw the clothes on his top-half when he noticed he was shirtless.

He slammed the dresser shut. Turning his head and noticing the tall brunet standing in front of him.

"What?" Kurt asked and furrowed his eyebrows. Krist chuckled softly. "Did you hear me?" He asked.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but I refuse to answer." He spat out and walked himself to his bed.

He sat down in front of it. Tucking up his baggy slept in jeans. A scarred sore was on the side of his face.

Krist walked himself over. He sat next to Kurt. Wrapping an arm around the shorter, smaller, male.

"How long was i asleep?" Kurt croaked out. His gaze slowly looking over at Krist. He is completely sober, raw emotioned.

Krist rubbed Kurt's shoulder. He leaned his head back for a moment. Exhaling slowly before lifting his head again.

"Uhm, I think about.. gonna say, a day? I can't pinpoint the exact hours..." Krist hesitantly replied.

Kurt sniffled and shoved Krist's hand off. He stood up. "I need a smoke. Coming with?"

Krist imediantly felt his heartrate pick up the pace. He got up and nodded his head. "Yeah, I'll come with."

A small smile rises onto Kurt's face, which caused Krist's heart to flutter. Eyeing Kurt's smile with love.

The two exited Kurt's room and went down the stairs.

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