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They reached the forestry area. Krist parked the car. He huffed. Halting the vehicle into a complete stop.

Trees are everywhere in the location. Kurt finished his cigarette. He flicked it out the window.

Turning his head, he looked at Krist with his eyebrows furrowed. "So..?" Kurt trailed off.

A long sigh left out of Krist's lips, he leaned back into the car. "I drove us out here because I need to talk with you."

Kurt hummed. He opened the car door. "Well, I would like to see the view." He admitted.

Krist felt his lips curl upwards. Seeing how naive and adorable Kurt is being, he couldn't be upset anymore.

He smiled. "Sure, lets go to the little creek. We can toss rocks in the water." Krist acknowledged towards the blonde.

Kurt nodded. "Sounds nice." He muttered. The two exit the van. Closing the doors softly behind.

Walking in togetherness, the two felt relaxed. Kurt wrapped his smaller arms around Krist's muscular arm.

He hugged him close. Hugging into Krist's arm as the two started to walk together.

Krist blushed. But he allowed this. His heart was pounding excitedly in his ribcage.

But his mind was confused. He couldn't read Kurt's emotions. Did he feel the same? Did he not? He couldn't tell.

The reached the shore of rocks varied in different sizes. They took at seat on the rocks.

Kurt picked up a rock. Feeling it in his hands, staring at it. "This rock is unique in shape." He muttered.

He held to to the bassist. Krist looked over. Seeing the rocks shape. It was odd. It looked almost triangle like rather than spherical.

"Huh, weird." Krist agreed with a smile. Kurt tossed it. It fell into the creek with a little crash.

It splashed a few droppers of water. Kurt stood up. Rolling up his jeans, he walked himself over to the water.

"It might be cold, Kurt! It is winter!" Krist called out. But the smaller shrugged. He takes off his converse.

Along with his socks. He dipped his feet into the cold water. He shivered as Krist stood up. He walked over.

He sat next to Kurt. But kept his legs tucked up so he won't get wet. He picked up Kurt's shoes, stuffing the socks into them.

Kurt swayed his feet in the cold crisp water.

"Feels nice but it's fucking freezing." Kurt mumbled. Leaning back, his striped sweater sleeves cupping his hands. Since it was slightly oversized.

His blonde hair dangled back as he stared up at the night sky. Eyeing the stars. It's such a beautiful night.

"It's beautiful." Kurt croaked out. Before leaning his head forward and he glanced at Krist.

Krist felt himself blush. Looking at Kurt with the moonlight on him. It reflected in his astonishing blue eyes.

He bit his lip, clearing his throat.

He looked up at the sky, Kurt mimicked this. The two staring at the night sky. Krist has Kurt's converse resting beside him now.

"Yeah, it's beautiful." Krist softly replied.

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