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Krist rushed himself upstairs. Realizing he left Kurt by himself for a while. Holding the bottle of aspirin and a glass of water, he entered.

Witnessing Kurt is asleep. His breathing shallow. Weak and heavy. The taller carefully sat himself down.

The bed dipped slightly. Which caused the blonde to open his eyes in a weakened state. "Huh?" He whimpered out.

Krist cleared his throat. "It's okay, can you sit up for me? I have aspirin. It should get your fever down a little..maybe, possibly, lower your daze?" It sounded more like a question at the end.

Kurt slowly sat himself up. Moving his jaw around as he sits up in bed. His hair messy. Going every which way as he panted heavily.

That simple little task worn out the heroin induced blonde. He held his hand out, "I'm tired." He croaked out.

Krist placed the pain killer and/or fever reducer into the smaller man's hand.

"I know. But Dave is going to come over, and he's going to give you something that's going to help you feel all better...okay?" Krist felt himself tear up again. His heart ached so much.

Kurt popped the pill into his mouth. His shaky hands grabbing the glass of water. He downed the aspirin.

He shakily exhaled as he handed Krist the cup back. "Are you mad at me..?" He asked softly.

Krist bit the inside of his cheek. He sets the half-empty glass of cold water onto the nightstand beside Kurt's bed.

Krist shakes his head no. Helping the blonde get back into bed. He brushed his large hand over Kurt's lightly stubbled face.

Feeling the slight prickles, he sighed heavily. "No, I'm not mad at you. You scared the shit out of me. That's what you did. Are you still..?" He trailed off.

Kurt nodded. Blinking his heavy sleepy eyes as he croaked out, "Yes." Krist bit his lips as he held his tears back.

"Okay. Okay." Krist muttered, trying to stay calm. Kurt's blue gaze stared mindlessly up at the ceiling.

"I see stars." Kurt croaked out. Exhaling out shakily as Krist laid beside him. "You do? Are you dizzy?" He asked.

But Kurt didn't answer. He just stared at the ceiling. Krist started to get concerned again. "Kurt?"

No response. Kurt just blinked. His saliva leaked out of the corner of his mouth. As he licked his lips. Moistening them.

"Kurt." Krist called again, more stern this time. "Kurt, can you hear me?" His voice suddenly grew soft.

The smaller male's hand went up to the side of his face. He started to scratch at the side of his skin.

Krist took notice. "Hey, hey. Let's not do that." He softly spoke and move Kurt's hand away.

Kurt whined in protest. But didn't speak. The taller ran a hand into Kurt's hair. Lightly scratching the blondes scalp.

This seemed to have relaxed the frontman. No more vocal whines have left out of his lips.

The two sat in silence. Krist just stared at Kurt with tears in his eyes. Kurt blankly stared at his ceiling.

Waiting for Dave to arrive.

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