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Hello! Welcome to The Youtubers Obsession! There are a few things I want to go over before you continue, as there may be scenes in the book that could be labeled as red flags, especially for BDSM. Please read this to avoid commenting on things I'm already aware of, I'm trying to warn those who know well what is good and bad in the lifestyle of BDSM. I'm not trying to play off the red flags and the very real issue of horrible dominants. This is just a fictional story, to show others it's not always safe and to trust the person you allow power over yourself. I'm very much aware of everything in the book, just want to make sure you know that it is not me being fully uneducated. Though, I admit, I have much more to learn as no one is completely done learning about this topic. There's always something to learn.

This is not fan fiction. There are no real-life YouTubers /streamers in this, all characters are my own creations. If you're here for smut, I'm sorry to say there's only one scene here- if you could call it that.

Firstly, everything is on purpose. Dominants, and Subs, are not always going to be good. There are people who are bad and use the lifestyle to their advantage.

Any scenes in this book that imply, show, or speak of a bad Dominant are on purpose. This includes red flags. I do not support unhealthy relationships.

Manipulation may play a favor in this book as well, a character knowingly using things to convince someone to do something.

A character is easily forgiving. This could annoy people, I'm aware. It's how I made their personality, I don't wanna hear about how stupid they are or anything along those lines. I know this and made them that way. Remember, there are real people in the world that possibly react the same as this character. Not everyone will react as you will, or would.

If there are wording, phrasing, or grammar mistakes, feel free to correct them. Wattpad/Inkitt versions will be unedited, and Patreon gets edited copies of chapters. The manuscript is proofread and edited to the best of my ability before I publish it to it Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Please be kind, there is no need for a rude comment on a simple, honest mistake. It just makes you look like an asshole. No one likes assholes.

This book is full copyright, no using the characters, scenes, or anything of the like elsewhere. I own and created everything with the expectation of YouTube. No permission will be given to translate or do other projects due to this.

That's all, I think. Continue on, leave feedback and I hope you enjoy the book!

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