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The online schooling Sam attends has been on break, a holiday for students to rest with family. As well as the opportunity to search for culinary jobs to continue gathering experience. Sam is far away from his family, and he also already has a bakery job that allows him most of the experience he needs. He had already spoken to his teachers about being switched jobs, throughout his three years he had worked in three different businesses. One of his teachers recommended, shadowing a high-class restaurant owner allowed him to observe and shyly ask questions. Another that got approved was his short experience at the bakery turned small restaurant in his hometown, he got experience in preparing simple meals and baking. Now, he has the current baking position at his job.

It was agreed that since his degree is mostly focused on baking, he would be able to avoid being assigned a job. Since he had already planned on applying for a position in a kitchen soon. He could build on his experience at the bakery, preparing more time-consuming projects or trying something completely new. Then, later on, go into the kitchen. The teacher has spoken to his boss, planning out projects that will help him grow and hopefully gain more business. Sam was incredibly happy, explaining he would like to do things at his own pace rather than be dumped in certain businesses. Thankfully, the school provides materials for classes and his kitchen at home is just big enough to participate in the class.

Monday, a few days after Spencer barged in, school started again. Sam's boss has given him mornings off, agreeing he could start evening and night shifts to complete his schooling hours and still earn getting paid. Even offered to give him a small raise, since he is working on bigger projects and taking over another worker's shift. He enthusiastically thanked her a thousand times, accepting the offer. Monday morning he has a class starting at seven and he goes out earlier to walk the dogs, in a hurry to get them out to use the bathroom and to get ready for class.

Spencer slips from his mind as walks out of the building, feeling oddly naked and as if he's missing something, yet casts it off. The dogs, eager as always, tug him towards the park and sniff or mark rocks and weeds. He has an hour to get back, his plan to shower before the class should work out. Charlie should be calling or texting him when he logs onto his laptop, as the man somehow always manages to get ahold of him when he's opening the computer. Talking to him again will be fun, especially with the man ranting about his brother's pranks over break. Charlie's mother doesn't like when her children stay on their phones while at home, so they weren't able to speak very much. Sam is looking forward to talking to his close friend, and perhaps getting advice on how to make another friend out of Spencer.

Monday morning for Spencer is hurried, checking to see if the scheduled video was posted and getting dressed. He wanted to see Sam, thinking through what the boy would be wearing this morning or what tiny lesson he would start today. Anxious to see his boy is healthy and intact, even if he knows nothing happened through the night; he would've heard it. His alarm never went off, the volume was low, and he got up late, missing the time they met up in the hall. Two minutes isn't overly long, he should still be waiting, Spencer assures himself.

Only, when he opens his door no Sam is waiting, and no dogs to greet him either. He checks the halls for a sign of them, goes down into the lobby, and asks the front lady if she saw him. She grins, explaining kindly that Sam walked the animals earlier than he had the past few weeks and that he seemed in a mild rush. Mentioning she greeted him when he returned and gushed about the adorable dogs. Spencer was floored, uncertain if something out of his control had caused Sam to switch the routine Spencer memorized or if his conditioning went bad. Couldn't have, he was doing so good in waiting. He decides, shaking his head as he rides the elevator. Something happened then, but what? He hasn't opened up about anything other than work or the dogs. Sam hasn't been comfortable speaking about more personal details, family, or any friends. He only focused on the dog's favorite things or his work at the bakery. Spencer needs to work harder to gain that information as it's obvious no matter how he asks, he won't receive an answer.

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