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Sam is exhausted, snuggling into Spencer's chest as a way to comfort himself, feeling how the man pets a warm hand through his messy hair and then along his spine. He has never felt so stretched and worn out, his muscles aching pleasantly and mind-numbed as he is. Spencer took care of him, keeping them close. The man hadn't taken his cock out, not much, just enough to be able to grind deeper. He wasn't rough, didn't fuck into Sam, and hadn't given harsh thrusts. Merely rocked, ground into the boy. It kept him pressed against Sam, allowed the boy to cling and hold onto him, and kept them as close as possible.

It was what Sam wanted, not necessarily the three releases it brought him, but being connected and close. Felt how Spencer carved out a path for himself inside the younger's body, where only one other man had been before. It wasn't magical, yet for Sam, it was as close to it as sex can be. He loved it. His mind didn't clear up fully until twenty minutes afterward, the fog remaining as Spencer went through quick, careful, steps of Aftercare. Using a damp, soft washcloth to clean Sam up and then slid a clean pair of the YouTuber's boxers up his limp legs. Even helping the boy pull on one of the man's thicker sweaters.

Spencer put on light music, no vocals, as background noise before laying down and covering them with the blankets. Petting, holding, and praising Sam until he became much more aware of his surroundings than only Spencer. They lay in bed, calming down while the older man fed his boy snacks and held water bottles to his lips for him to drink from. Sam loved every second of it, feeling so loved, cared for, and special.

Shyly asking if they could do more, pouting when told they should wait, allow his body to recover, let his mind recover. His boyfriend merely chuckled and kissed his lips, promising they'll do much more when he knows Sam can. Eventually, they had to venture downstairs to feed the dogs and let them outside. Spencer made Sam sit at the kitchen counter to give him instructions on how to cook a meal for them, not wanting to have his boy up and messing with the oven or stove so soon after his mind cleared. The boy teased him for not understanding the process or doing things in order, laughing at any playful remarks and actions the man did. The dogs sniffed at Sam, as if the animals knew exactly what happened, to which the Youtuber teased the boy right back. The baker went pink and hid his face, giggling.

It was a great day, one Sam knew they'd have more of. He'd make it happen if they don't, yet Spencer is likely to allow every day to be this peaceful and good. Especially if he gets his boy naked and needy, every day could be filled with kisses, sex, and gentle aftercare. Both of them would love it.

The next day, Sam went to his classes wearing Spencer's turtleneck to cover the dark marks along his throat, purple and red, light pink discoloring his fragile skin. Spencer walked him to work, taking the dogs along with them. Walking inside with the man's arm over his shoulder, wearing the black top that is oversized and visibly isn't his, as well as leaning happily into the kiss Sam is pulled into; gains a suspicious glance from Robin.

The co-worker doesn't understand his friend, so fiercely happy with the older man. Such a violent man, malicious. The concern in him grows, wondering if he should involve himself more and possibly either ruin his, already, unsteady friendship with Sam, or save him from a horrible situation.

The baker hasn't come in injured, not noticeably. Sam is always smiling now, vibrating with excitement to get home and see his boyfriend. He still speaks to Robin, to which the man is grateful. When Sam had failed to properly interact with him after his comments about Spencer, he was worried he'd ruined it. Sam was hesitant at first to keep talking but eventually fell right back into hyper-chatting as they prepared things. The Youtuber stays off-topic, neither wanting to make the other uncomfortable. Robin craves to question him, to be certain his friend is okay. He can't describe why Spencer is bad news, only that his gut sensed red flags the moment he saw the man. Being threatened proved himself right.

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