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Soon enough, a full year passes since the couple first met, only six months of living together. Sam has lost track of the time, only focused on the moments they've spent together. Spencer makes marks in a calendar every month, attempting to keep track of each one from the beginning. The man is proud of himself, for how far he has managed to push Sam into trusting, loving, and depending on him. As of the first of this new month, Sam is using the title Master. The older admits having to encourage it multiple times throughout the first few weeks, his boy was uncertain and embarrassed by the new name. Tiny punishments were placed here and there for not using 'Master', scolds of how disappointed he was, then speaking of how delighted Spencer would be to hear it; Sam quickly tried much harder to say it.

Now, the baker does it effortlessly. Rules have been added, ones aimed to keep Sam away from others as much as possible and keep him leashed to Spencer tightly. Sam has difficulty accepting not being able to speak to anyone in public unless Spencer gives permission, uncertain why he couldn't and why his boyfriend would make such rules. Not obeying on the test run to the store, unaware it was a test. He was replying to the cashier when asked how his day was without thinking, earning himself a corner time out immediately as they walked into the house.

Shockingly, Sam argued and protested. It had surprised Spencer into a moment of complete silence, having not heard his boy protest on what he was told or a rule so far. The Youtuber isn't much proud of how he had handled it, dragging Sam upstairs to the guest room. Only to toss the boy over his lap and deliver a series of spanks he should have thought through beforehand. Sam had never been spanked in his life, the first time it happened he was scared and anxious about what Spencer was doing, why he was doing it. Sobbing into the man's pants leg and apologizing, no idea why he was sorry anymore and what he had done to trigger such a reaction.

Afterward, Spencer had to force him to sit still and gently apply lotion, giving Sam an explanation off the top of his head. "I'm giving you rules for your safety, not following them could be dangerous. I don't wanna have to worry about you. Disobeying them isn't an option, understand? This is one of the punishments for not following rules." In his distress, the college student didn't think to ask questions or argue, simply nodding and allowing himself, and his heart, to be soothed by the motions of the hand rubbing lotion into his skin.

Learning from his 'mistakes', he doesn't speak to strangers unless given a signal from Spencer. A light press into his hand when they hold hands, a soft pinch to his shoulder if the man has his arm over Sam. All disguised as playful bothering a partner or completely invisible to the other people around them. Learning to overcome his uncertainty, never questioning his boyfriends' decisions, and obeying. After all, I love him and he wouldn't do anything to harm me, only discipline my actions. We still have fun with each other, everything is the same, just with a few new rules.

Sam is only allowed to leave Spencer's direct side or view when at work, yet the space doesn't save the baker from the man. Needing to text, send pictures of him eating and what he is doing every hour or over break. Determinedly ignoring the looks he receives from Robin, the little comments his friend makes about Spencer's behavior, and even comparisons to movies of stalkers and obsessed people. It adds up in Sam's mind, stressing and building anxiety over the tiniest of things. In trying to separate the couple, and show Sam the truth, Robin merely pushes the boy deeper into Spencer's arms as soon as the man is spotted. The car rides home are filled with recallings of the words told to Sam, his thoughts and worries, his anxiety.

This allows Spencer to let Sam drop into his little space, much deeper each time. When they arrive home, Sam is a forgetful, excited puppy boy, following eagerly behind his Master. It wasn't difficult to train the boy to crawl, not when he was in a space. Give him a piece of cookie and be stern, he'll do anything he is told. Now, Spencer can command "down" to get his boy to crawl for him. Sam drops easily each time, gray eyes wide and unfocused. Experimenting with it when Sam is out of a space, acting as if he is speaking to the dogs. He'll give the command in the same tone and watch Sam pause whatever he is doing, glancing over to the man uncertain if it was towards him. The Youtuber finds it amusing, that tiny fight in the baker's mind of if he should follow his new instincts or simply stay standing.

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