13| Insecure

622 39 6

End of Jungkook's POV

"Is it good?" I want to run away from here, but I have no choice but to stay or else mister Jeon would probably think that I need to go to a mental institute.

I lick my upper lip, doing one last attempt to look into his eyes, but I couldn't, "it's nice." I peek down at him but a breathe of relief leaves me once I don't see him in an excited state now, but whatever it is, this still makes me nervous and shoots shyness in my veins. That is normal, I've endured worse from other men, but I still cannot help but feel abashed, being with him right at this point. The thing is, he's just very tall and muscular and that's kind of intimidating for a timid freak like me.

"What's your age? Tell me if you don't want to tell, I'll not ask otherwise." I grasp the cup down on my thigh, not thinking for a moment before lying, "twenty-one."

"I see...." Mister Jeon opens the cabinets, doing something I cannot see from this end of the room as it's quite big. "Do you use the taxi or may I drop you back home? It's quite late in the night, and the rain is also harsh." I speak as soon as he stops, "no, please. You don't need to. I use the train to go, and I...have the umbrella."

He takes the box of books on the table but searches for one only, and upon the fading of my voice, he rises his sharp and very daunting eyes at mine, "the train? Are you sure you can go by yourself? I'm free right now, so don't hesitate."

Mister Jeon says in the kindest voice, coming up to me while his veiny and tattooed hands clasp a thick book that looks tiny in his hold. "I'm sure, mister Jeon."

As much as I'd like to go with him, not stay out in the cold, I still disagree with his kind offer, sadly aware that if my dad gets to know that someone has dropped me home, he'll just go off. "Alright." I stop toying with her cup's handle, and I keep it down, rising up after he moves away. "Thank you for coming, I appreciate this a lot."

He smiles, faintly, but lets the book down next to his laptop, and he fixes his glasses that suit his features well. I bow my head, and mouth the words, "you're welcome."

Then I leave for the main door, passing through the corridor.

Next day

6 AM

"Good morning, my love," her sleeping face of an angel, she opens her eyelids but smiles once I peek up at her, realising she is awake already. Today, I have to drop her in the centre a little early because before going to school, I need to go buy a set of painkillers for me from the drugstore. "You are awake already, so now sit up and let me see your booboo if it healed or not."

"It is good now." She helps me by sliding the blanket away, raising her folded leg. "Wow," I gently skim my fingers around the red bruise that is still healing, "you're all back to good. You're such a strong girl."

Her biggest smile lighting up her face, I pat her shoulder and bring comfort to her with praises, loving that despite that pain, she handled the injury so calmly. "I am. I will be strong like you." My baby who isn't familiar with the fact that I'm not that strong, she climbs up to hug me, and I take her in my arms and get up, not breaking it to her yet. "Okay, strong girl. Now you need to go and brush your teeth and wash your face, or we will be late for school."

"Mhm," she places kisses on my neck and wherever she can touch her mouth, melting my heart at this cute behaviour. "Will you have French toasts for lunch today, sweetheart?"

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