22| Be kind

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He doesn't do anything about it, "oh, so that pretty mouth of yours works? Well..." Jungwoo smirks, grabbing an apple to bite on it, "I'm going outside now, but you need to serve me my evening tea once I'm home. That's an order."

Leaving me with a tense feeling, he laughs in his rough voice and goes out the kitchen.

Breathing in a much better way, I stop squeezing the knife in my fist and I just drop it down on the counter to have a glass of water, my throat burning up with the dryness.

9 AM

"Hah, see that? I got a nine out of ten." Wonpil boasts in front of the whole class, acting as if he did not just cheat by keeping his textbook open under the desk. "Shut the fuck up, you cheated. We all saw it. We know it." The girl sitting next to her boyfriend, behind us, taunts at him. They all laugh, making a fool out of this idiot whose mouth doesn't open anymore, he stays quiet and turns around.

He sighs and pushes his test paper into his bag, closing it like he didn't care if the paper crumpled, "whatever..." I open the cap of my pen to start doodling in the back of my journal, pretty much always doing the same thing whenever I'm bored and wanna stay awake through the whole period. "How much you scored?"

Wonpil whispers to me, putting his mouth near my ears, almost making me jump on my spot. "Why do you want to know?"

I frown, minding my own business, something which I don't think he knows. He grins like a cat, making an innocent face, "just like that. Everyone has scored less than seven so it does not matter anyways. I'm only curious to know what you got in biology."

"An eight point five." I show my paper to him, kind of proud, not too. I still need to improvise and make sure I don't repeat the mistakes. I'm sure mister Jeon will be pissed-off at me, at this point.

He's doing everything he can to do his part, but I'm helpless.

"Damn, girl. You did good, that too, no cheating!" He exclaims, holding my paper, happy for me. "Thanks." I simply take his praise and take the paper back, I keep it in my bag as the bell goes off for the next period of forty minutes until lunch.

Jungkook's POV

"Why does he have to be given a permanent suspension?" I walk towards the staffroom whilst talking with miss Choi about an important matter. She sighs in a low, worried tone, "he was caught in an act of vandalism, you saw it too. Didn't you?" She doesn't get my point concerning the whole incident. "I know it, miss Choi."

We enter into the room. Keeping my bag and laptop down on my desk, I hurry to take my phone out, "look at this." I show her some drawings which were made by our former student Seonwoo who is temporarily suspended since yesterday.

She inspects the drawing from close, her squinted eyes following the patterns of the sketches and painting that Seonwoo had drawn. "This is what I'm trying to say." I take my hand back and look at her to check if she understood something. "Right, he has an amazing artistic sensibility. But that cannot be any reason for us to continue to let him demoralise, can it?"

"He did not ruin anything, he just painted the floor and the door of the terrace using some paints. This isn't destructive, and he didn't harm anything."

I prove my point, keeping my phone down right next to my laptop, "he probably wanted to show us his talents which we never knew about. Do you know about what he had told me, the other day?" She shakes her head, unaware of all the things I am aware of, cautious and always trying to to be more than just a teacher to the students. "He wasn't able to qualify into the competition just because some other teacher told him that he's a worthless student who wastes paints and that he knows nothing about academic studies, nor does he want to learn. He was sad, anguished and defeated after hearing those stuffs because he really worked hard for that painting, but in the end, he never even got the chance to be able to come to the competition."

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