49| Ashes and remains

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Jungkook's POV

4 PM

She gets inside the office and takes out her stuffs while I go out to the kitchen to get the coffee for myself and a hot chocolate drink for her, never having enough of coffee even when I just drank it on my way back hom from the hospital.

"Here," I keep it in front of her to not let her get busy with it since she's writing down her notes already, without me having to ask her. "Thanks." She lets the word out her red lips without much effort, for some reason, tired and not as cheerful as she always seems to be when she's here.

I don't say anything and just go back to my seat to start teaching her, but the question which I had asked her and her reaction to it being very weird, it keeps the curiosity within me alive.

"What would you like to study today? Physics? Biology? Chem-" without letting me finish my sentence, she slides the chemistry book towards me. Her eyes never even glancing at mine oddly. I don't know if it's because of her nervousness or that she hates me after whatever happened. I can't even remember if I did anything that would make her feel disrespected or bad. I know I cannot act that way even if I'm not sober.

"Chemistry. I want to study chemistry." For a second, she looks up at me but as if it didn't do much good to her, she puts her gaze down on her notebook and begins writing again.

"Okay...is there any topic you want me to explain or shall we continue with where we left?" I clear my throat, the heaviness and tightness of the atmosphere making it hard for us to communicate, but I still initiate it nonetheless, knowing that whatever is the reason she's behaving this way, I'm included in the cause of it. "No, you can continue."

She gives me a clear answer and not wasting time or thinking about anything else, I grab my glasses and put it on.

. . .

The tutoring time almost coming to an end, I raise my head from the book and gaze at her as she seems to be lost in her thoughts. Her cute face still, the opened eyes not moving an inch, her stare fixed on my arm. "Are you finished with your work, Cherry?"

Coming back to reality, she meets my eyes and her face starts to turn crimson but her behaviour is still the same and cold, "yes."

She hands me the notebook and the pen that was in her grasp. I take it from her but notice a strange feeling which is quite noticeable in those orbs of hers which she isn't putting on mine. There is something that she's been hiding from me. I don't know what it is but I'm dying to know though. It is that reason which I think it might be? Is it because she likes me?"

Keeping down the pen which was warm and humid by the wetness of her hand, I turn the pages of her notebook and close it.

"Are you upset or angry with me for that night?" I slowly scoot further with my chair to not be loud with my voice, I whisper as I watch her reaction change and feel some change taking place in her eyes. It's like she is hurt and sad.

"No. Why do you think that?" I shake my head, not taking it for a play. "No. Do not lie."

I can sense that something is off, and it is not good as I can't seem to realise but I'm trying to connect the dots. "Tell me. What's bothering you?"

"Why do you care?" She suddenly loses her patience and doesn't care if she's letting her guards down, a tear slips down her cheek as she gets up, "why do you care and ask? It's not like I'm anything or anyone to you. So stop doing this. Stop caring for me! Stop hurting me."

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