17| Grey shirt

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Jungkook's POV

Next day

3 PM

"No, I'm fine, thank you." I kindly refuse what my co-worker offers me, "I've eaten my lunch already, please enjoy your meal."

He smiles and sits down on his chair, "ah, no worries. I'm glad that I have more food for myself." Mister Choi jokes to lighten the tiredness we both feel, making me smile. He immediately digs into his lunch without any further talks. I stop meddling with the phone in my hand, and give up on my conflicting thoughts, and I decide to call Kitae as he must be up for school now, regarding where he is, it's morning.

"Hello, Kitae?" I highly anticipate to hear my son's voice, the one which will erase all my loneliness and make me feel so better. "Hey dad! Good morn- no, I meant, good evening. Oh, it's afternoon there uh?"

This kid still struggles with the time difference. I chuckle, "hey, take it easy. That's fine. Don't try to be so formal with your dad." He easily lies, "I'm not being formal, I just know my manners right." He makes me proud of what I've taught him, what I've showed him and how I've raised him. This brightens up my dull day, "oh really? Then I'm happy you still remember them."

"Lol, you wouldn't care less if I didn't wish you a 'good morning, my lovely dad' anyways, so well..." He annoys me to just bring a smile to my face, knowing his dad well enough to hit my weak point and make me smile against my will, "ah, you little bug."

He laughs in the sweetest voice, "got you, didn't I?" He boasts, very proud and happy after making me happy, "now stop being a sad baby and cheer up. I'm happy and I'm doing well here on my own, and you should also be happy that I'm fine, dad." I swing on the chair from side-to-side, just hearing Kitae, and not doing anything else. I just want to hear him and listen to his voice, that's all.

My son has grown up so much in a span of only a month, I never knew he's so wise and that he has developed such beautiful thoughts.

"I'm doing fine, sweetheart. Tell me about yourself, have you eaten breakfast and finished your homework?" I ask him the stuffs I'd not think are that important to me, I'd rather want to talk to him and say him about how much I miss him and would want him to myself, but at this point, I'm being too selfish. He's her son also.

"I had croissants and chocolate milk, and now I'm gonna leave for school. Damn, these pants!" He grunts in frustration so I smile, asking him that what's the matter. "What? Don't they fit you or you're probably in a hurry?"

He laughs, "well, you know me. I'm actually in a hurry because I woke up late, my darn alarm clock didn't work and now I have to run to the school. I even skipped my exercises..." Sighing, he doesn't leave room for dishonesty and he tells me everything, but as I can do nothing else than just speak some words of care and sympathy, I calm him with my gentle voice.

"That's okay, it happens. Just set an alarm on your phone, that's what never fails." He agrees to the advice I suggest, not complaining and sulking anymore like a little child, "yeah...and I'll wake up a bit earlier for exercises so that I don't have to hurry. Oh right, I forgot to tell you something, dad. I also got my new skateboard, and it's so cool, and it's all black and blue!" His happy, boyish cheerfulness contents my heart along with what he said, "hmm? That's great. Send me a picture of it whenever you get the time to."

"I will, now I gotta go. I'll facetime you once I reach home, and you better show me Hoshi, I didn't see him the last time we talked." He brings a soft smile on my dry lips, "I will, darling. Have a good day, be nice and study well, and make sure to eat a lot of food for lunch, okay?"

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