53| Carnival

268 40 5

Next day

End of Jungkook's POV

3 PM

"Yeah, I'm almost there." I squint against the late afternoon sun, waiting for Wonpil to show up and help me set up for the carnival, our little stall still not existing whereas everyone's is in progress.

"See? I made it..." he huffs as he rushes toward me, arms overflowing with supplies, his slender frame struggling to balance everything while he pants like an exhausted puppy. I uncross my arms and lean forward to relieve him of some of the load. "What's with the new piercing?"

I smile softly, my eyes catching the glint of the small silver ring threaded through his nostril. "Cool," I remark, my fingers briefly grazing the cool metal.

His lips curl into a pleased smile, as though I'm the first person who's bothered to notice. He nervously licks his lips. "Does it suit me?"

As he sets down the chairs and table, his hand instinctively goes to touch the piercing, mimicking the gesture I just made. I nod, offering him the matcha latte I picked up for us from the café earlier. "It's badass."

His chest swells with pride, visibly delighted by the compliment. "I'm thinking about getting a tongue piercing next," he says, puffing up as though already imagining it. "Just waiting for school to be over. That way, if I can't talk for a few days, no one will think I've gone dumb."

He leans in close, his lips brushing the shell of my ear as he teases, "Then I'll be getting girls too. Girls left, right, up, down—from all the sides."

I roll my eyes at the absurdity of his statement, turning away to hide the secondhand embarrassment I feel creeping over me alongside with some shame. "Yeah, sure. But make sure you blindfold them first. Otherwise, they might run for their lives and never come back."

Wonpil sputters, nearly spitting out his tea while I turn my attention back to the stall, trying to stifle my laughter. "The fuck? What is with you, damn? You have this weird talent of being sweet one minute and then completely savage the next. I swear, it's like you're always on your period or something."

I throw him a sharp look, frowning at his incorrect assumption. "Why is it that whenever a girl shows a hint of attitude or speaks her mind, guys immediately assume she's on her period?" I mutter, carefully laying out the cupcakes and positioning the coffee maker at one end of the table, smoothing the tablecloth as I work.

"Okay, okay, bratty Cherry," he concedes mockingly with defeat, raising his hands in surrender. "But seriously, don't be so mean. My heart's not like my dick, it's always soft."

His absurdity catches me off guard, and I can't help but laugh, though there's still a familiar knot lingering in my chest. Just as I recover from an ephemeral happiness, I glance at the entrance of the fairgrounds, knowing mister Jeon will arrive soon. It's only a matter of time.

"Look at that girl's stall," Wonpil suddenly says, pointing across the field. "She's got ribbons and all sorts of decorations. So cute."

I follow his gaze to where Natalie, the new girl who transferred to our school two months ago, is setting up her own stall. She's quickly become everyone's favorite, and to be fair, she deserves the attention. She's not only smart and talented but also effortlessly beautiful.

I nudge Wonpil, noticing how his eyes linger on her longer than necessary. "She's got a boyfriend, remember?" I remind him, teasing, reminding him to be mindful about it.

He glances down at me, then over to where Natalie's boyfriend strides out of the hallway, not even acknowledging the small wave she sends his way. Her expression falters, the enthusiasm she had just moments ago quickly fading.

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