42| Jeux

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"The coffee was amazing." I step up in front of her, the counter against us distancing us and creating a barrier in between, "oh, really?" She nervously fixes her apron, "did you like it?"

"I did, and I'm about to take one cappuccino for a friend I have to meet after I leave. So trust me, you're doing really well." My compliments lighten her heavy, tensed state, and she comes a bit closer to continue decorating the Frappuccino, "thank you for that, it made me a bit relieved."

She says nothing else, busy in attending other's orders and working hard. So I take the order which was for my friend, and give one last glance to her before I leave. "Take care, and don't tire out yourself too much, your mates are here to help you out." She nods, shooting one quick glimpse at me and smiling, "Yes. I will, take care you too."

"Hmm," I hold the paper cup between my hand, walking towards the door to exit, just when my eyes land on someone who steps forward to go inside the shop. I know him. He's the same boy from the school, the one who was with Cherry.

Not wanting to pay attention to them, I don't bother much but I turn around to check where he goes to, and as I expected, he goes to her and they start having a conversation.

Feeling a little too weird to be feeling what I currently feel, I heave a sigh and go to my car.

End of Jungkook's POV

"One iced Americano and a blueberry muffin." His number next for ordering, I cannot help smiling as I note it down on the screen and tear the receipt, "too expensive for your broke ass, but okay, sir."

He chuckles at me as I whispered the last word very quietly, catching the paper, "you're such a brat." I move to the coffee machine, grabbing the milk out from the fridge but he doesn't leave, he moves closer to me, curiously seeing what I do. "You see the empty table over there?" I point behind him and he glances there, "go sit there."

Wonpil shakes his head, leaning forward onto the glass cabinet, "I wanna see you work." I huff and fix my hair, "why? He tilts his head to peek at the drink I'm preparing for him, "it brings me peace."

"So you enjoy my stressfulness?" I press the button to add some ice into his bitter coffee, glancing at the one who's going to get me in trouble if he doesn't leave soon.

"Nah, I don't mean that. It's just like...." Not able to find the right words to say his feelings and express it, he scratches his forehead as I hand him his drink, "it's like an ASMR, I mean that's the best way to word it uh..."

I get what he's trying to convey, sometimes I watch those satisfying videos too. It helps me fall asleep.

"Okay, I'll leave now." He grabs the blueberry muffin handed to him by Nayla, looking at her for some seconds and then he puts his eyes on me as I gasp, "so quick? At least eat the muffin here." One of his brow raises, "oh what am I hearing? Does Cherry want me to stay?"

My eyes close a bit, I give him a plain death-stare, "you're a baka." He laughs through his nose in his husky voice, "ah...I agree." He sips on his drink and walks over to the table for two as the table for one got taken already.

15 minutes later...

I sit on the little chair and wipe the coldsweat off my forehead, finding it covering my neck as well. My phone kept in the pocket of my apron buzzes, so I take it out and see a new message from Wonpil. I glance from the back of the glass cupboard and find him looking at his phone as he must be waiting for my reply.

[will you come to my house after your shift? I need help with homework TT]

[Idk honestly, I have to get home to Haerin and I don't wanna be late. How about you come to my house if possible]

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