34| Misery

442 42 15

15 minutes later...

I get up to pack my bag when mister Jeon ends the study, feeling like I should be asking him about his matters but also scared that I'll invade his privacy and try to get into his personal life. "Mister Jeon, if you'd like, you can take a leave tomorrow."

He kindly keeps the thick book down on the table, taking off his glasses, "I don't want to, sweetheart, I'm fine. Thank you for caring." He smiles and combs back his disheveled hair.

His faint smile breaks my heart, the redness even more in his eyes, the dark circles around his eyes hurting my soul and crushing my heart. "You seem sick, I won't mind it because you need to rest....are you sure you can teach tomorrow though?" I give him a second chance to change his mind. I don't care if I won't get to see him tomorrow, I only care about his health and rest.

He chuckles, finding it weirdly funny like he didn't have any words to respond with, "I appreciate that you're caring and so sweet, but I'm going to be fine. It's just because I'm a little sick, but trust me, I'll be okay by tomorrow. I give you my word."

I can discern the lies through his eyes like it was a piece of cake. But I stay silent and do not force him anymore.

Putting my bag on my shoulder, I fix my hair and push the strands away to not let them get stuck on the zipper but he comes closer to help me out without even me asking for help. "Thanks." He gently drops my hair down after I adjust the bag, and I glance up at his dull face on which I can see a small smile light up.

"No problem." I walk to the door and open it to not stay in here for long, hoping he'd get well soon. We both walk to the front door and he opens it, "you might wanna zip up your hoodie. It's kind of chilly."

I look down at my unzipped jacket and I quickly zip that, following his suggestion because I'm freezing already. I step outside the porch and wear my boots, looking up at him putting his hands into the pocket of his trousers and ignoring the vibrations of his phone that sounds like someone's texting him.

"Be safe, and give me a text when you reach home alright?" He says what he usually always says when it's silently cold and eerie, when there's not many people out on the road and when the chances of any criminal activity happening are high. I really appreciate how he shows his concern for me, even when the only one he should be concerned about right now is himself.

"I will. Take care of your health...." I stand before him but with softness, gaze in his sparkling eyes, his smile grows. "Good evening."

I bow and step back to leave, not able to express the intense desire to wrap my arms around him and have one last moment to lose myself in this moment and say what he might need to hear. Some seconds of heavy tension passing by, I take my eyes off his deep ones and step further, hold my deep breaths and with a lot of courage, stand on my tiptoes to hug him.

His robust body doesn't move for a bit as if he's taken aback by my sudden action, but he holds my waist and sends shivers all over my body by passing his big, gentle hands up to my back to accept my embrace.

My heartbeat intensifying, I close my eyes and put my all into this warm hug, knowing I can't stay like this forever and also that I cannot make it last longer than what's acceptable. The slow yet loud beating of his heart explains how he feels, pulling me close to nuzzle his face on my head and embracing me even better, even tight.

This adrenaline rush filled with happiness taking over me like I had taken a strong drug, I subtly caress his muscular back but then when his grip around my body loosens, I get forced to open my eyes.

And no matter how I wanted to stay like this and never go back, I pull away and without looking up at him, turn to leave. "Take care, Cherry." I hear him say those words as I smile to myself and tuck my hands inside my the pocket of my jacket, "I will. You do too." Turning around to look up at him one last time before I go, he smiles and nods at me, showing some hint of delight, but the sadness is still perceivable in his sleepy brown eyes.

However, I don't say anything since I can't just assume, and I just make my way to Bora's house to pick haerin from there before going to the house.

Jungkook's POV

1 AM

"Thanks," I grab my phone and belongings that were on the wooden table, buttoning my dress shirt from the up with my free hand. "No problem, I'm glad to be of help, sir."

He smiles and opens the door for us to exit the room. I pass my arms through the sleeves of my coat and get to the reception to leave instantly, having no time to waste because I need to get somewhere else in only a span of some minutes. And I don't want to be late.

I walk to the place where I parked my car and I unlock it, sit inside, and start the ignition.

10 minutes later...

"Hello," the man opens the door for me. The sight of him pains me, bringing back some unwanted memories which I hope to delete from the inside of my mind forever but I can't. "What's the reason for calling me here at this hour?"

My ex-wife's brother, Namjun, doesn't bother to invite me inside. But it's not like I would even want to disturb his family or him.

"You know, just for inquiring about the payment of the loan which you took from me, just about it. When will you p-" I stop him before he continues to repeat the same thing which I know he would, "I did not take any loan from you. Stop lying. Your sister is the one who needs to pay you, she took it to gift me that fucking designer watch which I don't even use anymore because it's with my son."

He scoffs after I just lose my breath while saying the same thing which I've already said for the thousandth time.

"So you think you're not the one who should pay uh? How much of a greedy thing can you be? She cannot pay that because she doesn't have the fucking money t-"

"She made the agreement on paying it back in ten months. And if you are so impatient, I can't help you. She can have the money to get the expensive drinks, buy make-up products and go to parties with her friends in those presidential suites, but she can't just pay back for something as simple as a watch? Very surprising."

I raise my points. Nami doesn't even care about Kitae or the money he needs for his personal and social needs. It's I who's paying for everything for Kitae, from the school he goes to, to the train he takes to go to school. She's just enjoying her life with her boyfriend and doesn't give a shit about her boy because I'm paying child support. I'm grateful for Andrew, at least he sometimes gets the idea of cooking for Kitae. Nami barely even stays home to know about the wants and needs of Kitae, and she brags to be a good mother but, in reality, she's nothing more than just a woman who gave birth to him.

"I expected this from you, and you know what, my sister did the right fucking thing. She did good by leaving you and dumping your ass. Well, but she took one wrong step. She kept that idiot. She should've even gave away that stupid j-"

I punch the wall next to him as my blood boils over the words that he just used for my son. He steps back, seemingly afraid now. "Don't you ever fucking dare to accuse my son or say anything wrong to him and about him, you son of a bitch." My jaw clenched, I grip the handle of the door tightly to have a control on my anger and not lose my mind over this.

Namjun doesn't budge but keeps pulling on the doorknob from the other side to close the door, but since I kept him from doing so, he glares at me when I finally leave the handle.

He shuts the door on my face. I heave a big sigh before I let my jaw relax, my skin sweaty even when the cold wind blows past it, I raise my hand to check the time on my wristwatch. This jerk wasted my time again, for no reason. Now I don't care. I'll just pay him the millions he is hungry for and make sure I never hear from him again.


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