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I part my lips to have it, feeling the intensity of the heat that's burning me up from the within. His fingers skim past my lip and I bring my hand up to hold his, not having a single idea about what I'm doing, some crumbs drop down on my neck and blouse.

"Oh, wait." He gets some tissues for me instantaneously, "here," his fingers tremble as he wipes the corner of my lips, and I hold the fabric of my dress to dust the crumbs off it, "thank you."

He steps back to throw the paper into the dustbin, clearing his throat, immediately going back to do his work. "I've packed these for you, already. I hope you and Haerin are going to like it." A gentle smile formed on his red shiny lips once he licks them, he hands me a box which he took out from the upper cabinets, "it's just something I baked, because I was bored so...just try them, if you can. No one else is here to tell me the reviews, but if my son was here, he'd end up eating all of it."

He chuckles adorably, though his voice is sore. So I slowly take the box to not let him down. Even if I thought about refusing, after seeing him so eager and glad, I just cannot. I copy him, my lips mimicking the shape of his own thin ones as I bow in respect, "we'll love it. Thank you, I'm sure it tastes amazing, just like the macaroon did."

Some soft wrinkles under his eyes probably cause him to have a squinted vision, he smiles faintly, walking towards the shelf as he sighs, "I'm glad you liked it. Shall we get back to the study now?"

Him asking for my consent to do his job is something I never thought would happen. I smile a little and nod, "okay." We both go back to his office, I keep glancing down at the cute box which has a beautiful wrapping, something which caught my eyes as I've never seen something like this before. "Let's just read a chapter and end it, huh?" He opens the door for me to step inside, giving me an eyebrow raise, "easy for both of us, right? Not much work."

He's probably testing me out as a teacher, I really don't know what to say so I shrug, "if you want, you could teach. I'm fine with it."

Mister Jeon laughs, picking up his glasses with that veiny hand of his, "that's new for me. My students wouldn't have waited before agreeing, they say whenever I speak, they turn sleepy because to them, I sound very 'Shakespearey' and stuff." His students aren't wrong though, he does. "Oh..." I smile, opening my notebook, "maybe that's because you give good explanations and it makes you sound like you're singing...like a lullaby."

He sits and looks right at me, intrigued by all these things I'm describing about, perhaps because he never thought about himself in this way. "Hmm..." His brows furrow but a smile curves his lips, "that's a good thing to know."

He doesn't say much anymore and neither do I, so I grab my pen and get ready to study for some more minutes before the session gets over.

Jungkook's POV

. . .

"I'm just gonna be there. Hang on, I've gotten a text." I hang up and stop the car near a shop to collect the gifts for Cheongsan's birthday, the birthday of the son of my colleague, which I'm invited to. I didn't feel like going to it but since I had been said to come there by Cheongsan himself, personally, I just couldn't let the little one down.

Quick with my movements, I hop up the stairs and open the door of the shop, instantly being greeted by the shopkeeper who's seen me before too, "welcome, sir. Here are your gifts, packed and ready."

He hands me the paper bags of the gifts, an electronic toy car and a Lego set along with a box of caramel chocolates which I had made to be wrapped here. "Thanks." I hand my credit card to the cashier for him to do the payment and billing while I check the text I had received, completely forgetting about it.

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