32| Recording

503 47 13

I get up from my seat and start packing my stuffs. "Where you off to?" This dude who's in his sleep, asks me, looking at me with half-opened eyes.

"I gotta go pee." I make a very silly excuse while packing my stuffs, Wonpil's eyes unamused, he stands up before me to check inside my bag, "ah yes, you need your whole bag to pee, right? Girls and their toilet tales..." he makes me snort at the last thing he mentioned which is kind of true, but it sounds weird. "Goodbye, if the teacher asks about me, tell them that I was feeling sick so I left."

Since he already has understood by now that I'm about to get out the school, he nods his head and grins devilishly, "you get me a big donut tomorrow or else I tell them the truth. Deal?"

This guy is so selfish but I don't have any other choice than to put my money to use, "okay, deal." I leave the classroom.

15 minutes later...

Coming across the skateboard park where I find no-one and just two kids creating a havoc everywhere, I stop to hydrate myself. My throat feeling much better after the cold water has ran down it, I calm my senses which were freezing, and breathe out my mouth to exhale the hot air, rubbing my palms.

Mister Jeon has already sent me three voice notes and I can't even open them because my phone's battery has died at the last moment.

The only choice now remaining to go home, I take fast and quick steps towards the bus stop which is at some distance.

I really can't stop thinking about yesterday though, when he was applying the cream on my wound. I remember how his face had been so close to mine, and his hot breath had skimmed my face as he had gotten closer to me, the scent of his skin mixing with the heavy cologne waking up my braincells, his warm but veiny hands touching my sensitive neck made me weak. But what surprises me the most was his eyes, something about them kept telling me something which I failed to perceive and I hate that it's my fault that I couldn't even look into them.

I shouldn't be dreaming about it though. There's no way I can ever expect him to reciprocate and care about my feelings when he feels the exact same way for some other woman.

. . .

Removing my shoes, I hurry to open the door of the house, expecting nobody else to be here other than me. Fortunately, I'm correct.

I make a beeline from the corridor to go past the sofas and enter into the kitchen. Then I keep the foods I bought for me and Haerin on the counter, having nothing in the house so that I could cook for us. I go straight upstairs and into my bedroom, taking out my earphones, eager to hear what mister Jeon has to say.

I plug them in and put my phone into charge, and after some seconds, when my phone starts, I play the first recording.

"Hey, it's alright. You don't have to apologise or anything. I kind of understood what had happened and that you would be tired and I knew you must have been asleep for you to not answer my texts." His mellow and husky voice that sounds as if he had just finished smoking, I start playing the other voice-note, grabbing the lighter and an unfinished blunt to have a smoke break. I got reminded of it, and I also have a great opportunity since Haerin isn't here.

I have never smoked in front of her, and neither will I ever do so in the future. And on the bright side, I'm thinking of quitting as well.

"So," he clears his throat and continues, his sore throat still not recovered, "and also, don't talk about paying me back or any such nonsense, I wanted to help and so I did. I can feel your pain and know what the struggles are and how bad they can be. So you don't really need to thank me because I'm only doing what I must." His softness and care fumbles my heart to an extent where I can't even help but fall for him. I smile to myself as my toes curl like I was some teenager girl experiencing her first love.

The second voicemail ends and the last one starts to play by itself, "and there's something I wanna know. Is your school planning on doing any activities for Halloween? Because...uh, as far as I know. I think our school's been paired with yours for this year's Halloween carnival."

What? Is this really true? I did not know that  my school is capable of this, it's a surprising change.

Having no time to think about this, I realise that he's saying something else too, "so just let me know about it, if you know anything. And make sure to have your breakfast and eat well." He takes some brief moment as I can feel that he perhaps smiled, "let's meet tonight, take care." And with this being told, the recording ends. A wide smile on my bashful face visibly exhibits the impact which mister Jeon has on me.

My gaze going to the lighter in my hand, I glance at the cigarette in my hand before I keep them away. This hurts me a little, but I get up to go throw the toxic stick right into the dustbin kept inside the bathroom.

Taking a deep breath in, I grab the doorknob and twist it once I walk out the toilet, unable to fathom what I just did.

But I did, so that's all that matters.

A sigh filled of nervousness and adrenaline rush leaving my mouth, I gulp the need for having a puff of nicotine and open the zipper of my backpack to hold the pack of chewing gums out instead, the ones that he gave.

I put two in my mouth and take a sip of water then grab my phone and lay down on the bed to text mister Jeon.

Jungkook's POV

5 PM

"Kitae, I have to go. My student's here." He doesn't even listen to what I'm saying and he abruptly holds me back before I could hang up, "dad! Wait a sec."

"Okay, boy, speak." I chuckle but ask him to hurry up and tell me what it is, putting on the Bluetooth in my ear so that I could hear him when I go and open the door for Cherry to not make her wait out in the cold for long. "Dad, I wanna see who she is. That's all."

I open the door, frowning as I grin at this young fellow who's starting to be a true teenager since he's turning thirteen soon. "You won't."

I look at the little girl in front of me who immediately lowers her gaze once our eyes meet, always avoiding my gaze for some reason. She bows and wishes me a 'good evening, mister Jeon' in a low whisper even if she knows that I'm in a call and most probably might not greet her back. She's just so respectful and cute. "Good evening, Cherry."

Feeling like I shouldn't let her walk away just like that, I smile and for a while, ignore what my boy's saying to pay heed to her greeting.

"You can go in my office. I'm going to be there in a m-" I get cut off by the brat who's not even here but still bugging me. "Show me her, dad. Please. You said you would!" Kitae shrieking out aloud from the other side, she probably hears it too, given the doe eyes of hers which widen for a second.

"Uh huh?" I give up, unable to conceal my smile towards this whole interaction, "I'm sorry." I sigh and remove my Bluetooth to focus on her, "that's my twelve year who you heard screaming like a cat." She smiles at what I say, not uttering a word, "would you like to see him? He's been wanting to meet you ever since I said him that Hoshi likes playing with you and Haerin."

I give her my word so that she doesn't misunderstands anything about why and for what reason he wants to meet her. And she nods, not pushing away his dumb little request, "sure. No problem."

"Follow me." I walk towards the laptop, "you little brat, don't you be a bug in front of her, or else no pocket money for you." I murmur these words on our way to the kitchen island where the laptop is, "here she is." I stand in front of the screen and glance back at Cherry who's behind me, "this is Kitae." I inform her, pointing to the screen where the excited boy is awaiting her. I move back to let her petite figure be visible to him as well, and I watch him grin.

His sparkling eyes look up at her once she smiles sweetly and waves at him, "hello..."


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