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You and Jenna have been friends since kids. Your families were best friends. Growing up, you were closest to Isaac (Jenna oldest brother) since he was closest in age to you, you were still 2 years older though. When you all got together, Isaac, Mariah, Mia, Jenna, and the twins, Alliyah and Markus, it was all fun and games. Of all the 6 siblings of the Ortega family, Jenna was the quietest, and she pretty much reminded you of yourself.

You bonded very strongly with Jenna through the years, she was different. You considered she was your baby sister. You took care of her. Natalie asked you to babysit her and her siblings a couple of times ever since you were 15.

Jenna was always a natural, she could act extremely well and you lost the count of how many times she got something she wanted just because she would pretend to be sad and fake crying as a kid.

Whenever she was in some kind of trouble, she would come running to you and ask you for advice. You guessed since you were an only child, you would take closer attention to her problems than her own older siblings.

You used to drive her to Disney's channel Stuck in the Middle studio whenever Natalie couldn't, and sometimes you would even stick around to watch her shoot.

You gave her advice on boys, ever since the day she told you she might be having feelings for her co-star. Back then she was only 16 and you were already 22, already in college, almost getting your bachelor's degree in business administration. But still, you were there for her.

The day she had her heart broken by the same co-star, you were the one she called to pick her up from set back on 2018. Her mom is a nurse and whenever she wasn't occupied with her work, she has 6 kids to take care of and a household to maintain. You would gladly offer to help her whenever you could, since you lived 5 blocks away from them, it was like you were the oldest of their children and could give a hand whenever needed.

You remember as if it was yesterday, her tear streamed stained face stuck in your mind after you picked her up.


You were at home, after an exhausting day in college, finals were coming, you were studying and you just wanted the semester to be over with so you could graduate and assume the role of working on your family business.

Your phone vibrated several times and you were forced to stop reading your notes and unlock your iPhone.

J Ortega iMessage:
-Y/N are you home? Can you pick me up like now? Please? My mom's not answering. 😢

Instead of texting you called Jenna on her phone, the moment she said "Hi" you knew something was wrong. Her voice was cracking and she was mainly answering you with yes or no, as if she said more than one word she would break down crying.

You asked her if she was in the studio, to which she answered "yes".

"I'm on my way. I'll be the in 30 minutes, ok?" You turned off your phone, grabbed the keys to your Volkswagen Atlas and you locked the front door behind you.

On your way over to Disney Studios you kept wondering what could have happened. "Was she fired? Did she get in a fight? Is the show cancelled?" You were so lost in thought, you didn't see you were above the speed limit on the free way, but oh well, Jenna needed you, clearly that was more important.

Once you made it to Disney Studios, showed your ID (you had a trouble-free entrance since Jenna put you on her family list allowed to get in to pick her up).

Jenna was outside, sitting on the curb, her headphones on her ears, and once she looked up after you parked beside her, you could see her eyes were red from crying.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now