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On September 2022, Jenna was immersed in her role on the set of "Miller's Girl," filming in the state of Georgia. It was a different kind of script for Jenna, more mature. She let you know that the movie required her to shoot some intimate scenes with a much older actor. You couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, knowing it was all part of Jenna's job. Your heart ached at the thought of Jenna sharing a bed with someone else, even if it was just acting. But Jenna reassured you that it was all pretend and that you could trust her.

It was hard, not being in the business and having to get used to seeing your girlfriend kiss someone else. It was a weird feeling, to say the least.

Usually you'd excuse yourself from the set if you knew there was any kind of intimate scene going on. Jenna hated to watch her own movies, so when you'd watch it, by yourself, at home, your mind grasped around the fact that it was a movie, and that girl who looked exactly like your girlfriend, wasn't necessarily your girl.

It was Jenna's birthday, and you wanted to surprise her with a special celebration, away from the film set and the prying eyes of paparazzi and fans. You arranged a romantic getaway to a private location in Georgia, a place that would be your secret haven for the day. All you had to do was get Jenna to come with you alone.

While on the set of Miller's Girl, she grew exceptionally close to Gideon, a beautiful brunette, nice hazel eyes and a couple inches taller than Jenna. She was very sweet and polite, and she was just a year younger than you. She introduced herself to you on the very first time she saw you, you introduced yourself as "Jenna's best friend", nobody suspected anything. Gideon was really talkative, and she'd usually be found hanging out with Jenna on set. It was like they had this unbreakable bond.

You watched as Jenna got complimented by the whole cast and crew through out the day. When you woke up, she was already gone, and once you came down to set, she was enrolled with shooting. You hadn't gotten a chance to wish her a happy birthday, not the way you wanted to.

By the end of the day, around 5 pm, the director called it quits for the day, only cause it was Jenna's birthday. Everybody cheered and clapped.

Your girlfriend walked up to you excitedly and smiling from ear to ear.

"Now I'm all yours." She mumbled and you couldn't help but chuckle.

"So go get ready, and I'll take you out somewhere nice." She gave you a curious look, and raised her eyebrows, you knew what she was worrying about, the one thing that was always on her mind whenever she was with you: privacy.

"Can't two really good friends go out to dinner on the day of one of their birthday? What is wrong with that?" You knew you had a point, so she just agree and started to walk back to her trailer.

Out of the blue Gideon jumps on top of Jenna's back, almost knocking her to the floor. Your first instinct was to protect your girlfriend, so you place your hands on her side to steady her, but once you saw who it was, you let go and pretended you did nothing.

"What's up birthday girl? So let's go out to dinner?" Gideon hooked one arm around Jenna's shoulder and they walked together side by side.

"I already got plans, sorry Gid."

The slightly taller brunette turned around to look at you and linked her arms around yours, forcing you to walk beside them.

"We can all go together." Gideon insisted. You looked at Jenna and shrugged, you wanted something just between the two of you, but if she wanted her co star to tag along, you were totally fine with it as well, it was her birthday after all, she could do whatever she pleased.

Jenna hesitated, not knowing exactly how to politely turn down Gideon. They stopped walking and Jenna turned to face her costar, you were sure Gid had convinced the smaller girl.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now