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January 20, 2023 - Jenna in Paris

You sat on the couch, trying to focus on the movie playing in the background. Your friends were over, laughing and chatting, but your mind was somewhere else entirely. It's been a tough couple of weeks since you and Jenna decided to take a break, and the void she left behind felt unbearable. You wanted nothing more than to just run back home to her that morning, hold her tight until she gave up on the idea of taking a break, but you didn't and the next day she was gone.

It has been 13 days. 13 days of being on a break. 13 days of no Jenna. 13 days of burying yourself into work. Today was the first time you decided to call some friends over to distract yourself.

Your phone buzzed and caught your attention away from the movie. You glanced at the screen, seeing Jenna's name. Hesitation hit you for a moment, but you answered the call.

"Y/N, it's me," Jenna's voice sounded shaky and filled with desperation. "I need you. Please, I know we're taking a break, but... Percy is being accused of something horrible. I don't know what to do."

You took a deep breath, trying to keep your voice steady. "Jen, calm down. What happened?"

"People are saying Percy was inappropriate with underage girls, sending dick pictures and getting them drunk on parties," she explained, her voice breaking. "It's all over Twitter. I'm scared, and I feel so alone here."

You sighed, hearing the panic in her voice. "Where you at?" You asked concerned.

"In Paris, with Georgie and Percy. We came for the Saint Laurent fashion week 3 days ago."

There it was the familiar raging feeling in your heart, jealously. The younger brunette had asked for this break, and as much as it hurt you, she needed to figure things out on her own.

"Jenna, I'm sorry you're dealing with this. But... there's nothing I can do from here. You have to talk to your PR team, get legal advice, they are the ones that got you in this mess the first place. Just stay away from him until you figure what to do."

"But I need you," she whispered, tears evident in her tone. "I miss you."

Your heart ached at her words, but you reminded yourself of the break she asked for. "Jen, you asked for a break. You wanted space, and I respected that. I'm sorry I cannot help you out with this."

Your friends laughed loud in the background from something on the movie, and Ana, a very close friend/coworker teased you about being on the phone instead of watching the movie with the group.

"Who's with you?" Jenna asked, trying to mask her jealousy, failing miserably.

"It's just some friends," you replied, keeping your tone neutral. "Nothing for you to worry about. You worry about figuring things out." It gave you a flick of hope knowing she was jealous, at least she still felt something towards you.

"Okay," she mumbled, sounding defeated. "I'm sorry, y/n/n. For everything. I just... I don't know how to fix this."

"Take it one step at a time, Jen," you advised. "Focus on dealing with Percy and the situation. We'll figure everything else out later."

"I just wish you were here," Jenna admitted, her voice barely a whisper. Her tone tug at your heart.

"Me too." you admitted in a whisper, the longing in your heart growing stronger.

After hanging up, you felt a mix of emotions swirling inside you. Concern for Jenna, anger at the situation with Percy, and a lingering need from hearing her voice again. The laughter of your friends faded into the background as you tried to process everything.

You never wished to be so wrong about someone. But you weren't, and know Jenna realized that too. You were a proud person, and you wouldn't give in so easily, she chose Percy over you time and time again and that hurt you.

You knew she had to face this storm on her own, but it didn't make it any easier to ignore her call for help and not hop on the first flight to Paris.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur, your mind was too occupied worrying about the brunette. What if she confronts Percy and he does something to her? What if he forces himself onto her?

"Hey, what's up?" A cushion hit you in the face. Ana threw it, her face clearly concerned for you.

"Jen," you had told her about it, she was your coworker and friend for years now and you trusted her. "she called me and said she's in trouble." The worry was evident in your tone, the other friends were in the kitchen getting snacks and you took the privacy to let Ana in on your problems.

"Is the trouble the thing you have been warning her about over and over?" You nodded.

"Then serves her right. She should have trusted and listened to you." Ana put a hand on your shoulder and squeezed tight.

"Ouch, bitch." You cussed her and tried to move away from her, not succeeding cause she squeezed tighter.

"You should make her jealous, so she'll appreciate you better. You're one hell of a girl, older, more experienced and all you do is put her first. She should at least value you."

"How will I make her jealous if I only have eyes for her? I fucking love her, Ana."

"I got you." You just shook your head, you didn't even want to ask. As the rest of the group came back, you started to watch another movie and the subject at hand was forgotten.

Later that night as you checked social media, you saw the accusations against Percy spreading like wildfire through Twitter. There was a thread exposing everything he did to underage girls, sending naked photos, getting them drunk at parties and even abuse allegations. The #cancelPercy was trending on Twitter, a small grin appeared on your lips. Vengeance, it was sweet.

Your blood boiled, just thinking of all the things he could have done to Jenna, and how fucking right you were all along.

You also came across pictures of Jenna in Paris with Georgie and Percy. She looked a bit out of it. Her headphones on, sunglasses on, walking steps behind or ahead of the guys. A security guy by her side, thankfully.

Your heart ached seeing Jenna's discomfort in the photos, but you also felt a surge of anger. This break was supposed to give you both space, but all it seemed to do was highlight how much you needed each other.

In the quiet of your room, you lay back on your bed, staring at the ceiling. The distance slowly killing you, and you wondered if Jenna was lying awake in Paris, thinking about you too.

As sleep finally took over, you couldn't shake the feeling that this break might have been the biggest mistake you've ever accepted.

A/N: finally got this out of the way. Brighter days are coming.

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