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*light SMUT warning*

September 26, 2023

Since that minor fight because of smoking and public display of affection with Gideon, life had been a whirlwind of work and fleeting moments. You both had never talked again about that incident.

You wondered if not addressing the incident was a mistake. The unease from that argument seemed to linger in the background, a subtle reminder of the cracks in your relationship.

Over the past few months, you had thrown yourself into your career, pushing yourself to the limit so you could carve out time to travel with Jenna whenever she wanted you to.

Her life had been a whirlwind of meetings, auditions, and shoots across various locations. Despite her demanding schedule, she had found solace in the time she could spend with you. She had effectively moved into your place in LA whenever she was in town, though neither of you had taken the leap to make it official.

However, there had been a lingering tension between you two, unspoken and unresolved. Jenna's career was skyrocketing, and sometimes it felt like you were just along for the ride, an afterthought in her busy schedule.

Weekends brought a welcome respite from her hectic routine, and you both took the opportunity to escape to the Coachella Valley, enjoying time with the Ortega's and savoring those precious moments together.

In August, your parents had visited you, sharing a brief but joyful interlude before heading back to their own crazy schedule. Life had been a constant ebb and flow of work and travel, but every moment with your girlfriend was a cherished reminder of why it was all worth it.

Now, on September, you found yourselves once more in Paris, for a fashion show Jenna had to attend.

As you arrived in Paris for the Dior fashion show with your girlfriend and her glam team, a heat wave swept across the city, making the usually cool autumn air feel oppressive.

Getting ready inside the cozy hotel room with air conditioner was easy, the tough thing was stepping outside. Jenna looked stunning in her navy blue ensemble: a pleated skirt that fell gracefully to her ankles, a matching blazer, and a sheer top that added a touch of daring to her otherwise classic look. She carried a small, elegant Dior handbag and wore black lace-up heels that gave her outfit a polished finish.

The heat was unbearable, and as you both stepped out of the car, you started to feel lightheaded and feel a cold sweat on the back of your neck. You tried to pretend everything was fine, but Jen, always attentive, noticed immediately.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with concern as she stepped to the side to make sure you were fine.

Despite the concern she showed, you couldn't help but notice a certain distance in her eyes, a distraction that made you question if she was fully present with you.

You tried to brush it off, but the dizziness intensified. "I think I need to sit down for a moment."

Jenna quickly guided you to a nearby chair, thankfully away from the crowd and the photographers, her worry evident in her eyes. She crouched down beside you, her hand gently caressing your cheek. "I think it's the heat. Have you eaten enough today?"

You shook your head. "Probably not. I forgot."

She frowned, her expression a mix of worry and determination, you could see droplets of sweat start to form in her forehead. "Good thing I brought a chocolate bar in my bag."

She carefully opened her Dior and gave you a piece of chocolate she thankfully had. "Here, eat this slowly," she instructed, watching you closely. "It'll help with sugar in your blood."

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now