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January 10, 2023

The tension between you and Jenna had been evident for days. Jenna asked you not to attend the Golden Globes with her, citing PR advice and the need to avoid you stressing over Percy. The mere mention of his name made your blood boil.

"You know this is just for show, right?" Jenna said, her voice tinged with frustration. "It's not like I have any feelings for him."

You crossed your arms, trying to keep your anger in check. "Then why can't I be there? I always tag along public events with you, I'm basically part of your glam team already."

Jenna sighed, running a hand through her hair. "It's what the PR team thinks is best. It's not about us. It's not like I don't want you there, I do, but I know it will lead to another fight."

"But it feels like it's about us," you replied, your voice firm. "It feels like you're choosing him over me."

Jenna stepped closer, her eyes pleading. "Please, babe. Just trust me on this. It's one night."

You stared at her, feeling the weight of her request. You loved her, but the thought of watching her with Percy made your stomach churn. "Fine," you muttered, turning away. "But I don't like it."


That night, you sat alone in your apartment, watching the Golden Globes on TV. Jenna wore an elegant, deep mauve gown. The dress featured a unique criss-cross design at the midsection, revealing her toned abs and adding a touch of edginess to the look. The gown had long, sheer sleeves that flow gracefully, complementing the overall fluidity of the dress. Enrique has once again outdone himself.

The combination of the unique dress design, subtle yet striking accessories, and flawless makeup made her look both chic and modern. You heart skipped a beat, gosh how you loved her.

Jenna looked stunning, but the second you saw Percy by her side during red carpet, smiling and going for interviews, made you feel sick. You couldn't shake the image of him looking down to check her boobs, the way he leaned in too close to talk to her.

During the Golden Globes presentation wasn't as bad, you only got a glimpse of Jenna on TV a couple of times while she was sitting in the audience

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During the Golden Globes presentation wasn't as bad, you only got a glimpse of Jenna on TV a couple of times while she was sitting in the audience. She looked and moved so flawlessly, and you smiled like an idiot.

Once the awards were over, you took it to social media to know the news, best dressed, worst dressed, the after parties and just gossip in general.

You found out your girlfriend changed clothes for the after party, still looking breathtaking. She was wearing a striking outfit consisting of a structured white corset top with black piping details, paired with high-waisted black pants. She completed the look with an oversized black blazer draped over her shoulders.

Then you saw it – a video of Percy at the after-party, clearly invasive, placing his arms on her shoulder and touching her chest, pretending like he was gesturing to a pose for the picture they were taking. She ignored and just gently tilted her shoulder down so his arm could fall off once the photo was taken. You could see the discomfort in her eyes, but apparently she didn't say a word. You actually lost count of how many times you rewatched that video. The rage inside of you boiling.

Your heart was beating so fast with anger, you didn't know what to do

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Your heart was beating so fast with anger, you didn't know what to do. Good thing you actually stayed home, or else tonight would be the day you would throw a good punch at his face.

You waited impatiently for Jenna to come back home, it took so long that you fell asleep on the couch. She came home early in the morning, looking worn out and a bit tipsy. She found you on the couch, your eyes narrowed adjusting to the light she turned on. "Hey babe. Why are you sleeping on the sofa?" She sat down on the couch, in front of you. You avoided her gaze, turning away from the kiss she tried to give you.

"What's wrong?" She asked genuinely lost. Did she think you wouldn't see her walking down the red carpet, giving interview all happy and in love with that prick and the after party videos? You were the most supportive girlfriend ever, and even if she asked you not to go, you wanted to see her shine.

You looked up at her, your heart breaking all over again. "I saw the videos, Jenna. I saw how he was basically touching your boobs."

Jenna sighed, looking down, you could tell she was annoyed of yet another fight because of the same person. "I didn't want to make a scene in public. I did take his hand off me."

"Polite?" you snapped. "He was all over you, and you just let it happen. How can you be so blind?"

Jenna's eyes filled with anger, and you regretted your choice of words. "Blind? I'm not fucking blind, Y/N. I'm just doing what the PR team asked me to. I'm not a kid, and you still treat me as one. I took his hand off, he was being very invasive today."

Her words hit you like a punch to the gut. "Maybe I wouldn't need to treat you like a kid if you stopped acting like one and listened to me back in Romania when I said this fucking dude is inappropriate."

Jenna nodded, she was fuming, her cheeks were burning red, and tears were forming on the corner of eyes. "You know what? You're right. Maybe we both need some space to figure  this whole PR stunt thing out. I'm tired of constantly fighting over Percy. I can take care of myself for Christ sake."

You felt your heart shatter, but you didn't have the strength to fight, she sounded very sure of what she was asking for. "Fine," you whispered, standing up. "If that's what you want."

Jenna opened her mouth a couple of times, but no words came out. Your heart ached so bad, you just simply grabbed your car keys and stormed out of your apartment.

You would give her time to grab her things and head home. Right now you needed air. All relationships end the same. You fall too fast, too hard, and the other person ends up breaking your heart. You always give yourself 100% to the other person, and that leaves you vulnerable.

If only Jenna would have trusted you that the blonde haired idiot wasn't trustable, it would have avoided a whole lot of fighting.


The cool early morning air hit your face as you got into your car. Driving aimlessly through the streets of Los Angeles, you tried to process the whirlwind of emotions inside you – anger, hurt, betrayal. You loved Jenna more than anything, but the thought of her not admitting to being wrong and not trusting you tore you apart.

Tears streamed down your face as you gripped the steering wheel, your knuckles white. You couldn't understand how Jenna could be so blind to Percy's intentions all these time, how she could let him get so close, only to realize he was indeed being invasive. The image of him touching her chest haunted you and replayed over and over in your mind, fueling your rage.


Jenna sat alone in the apartment, the silence deafening. She buried her face in her hands, feeling the weight of her mistake. She knew she had hurt you by not trusting you, knew she had let things get out of hand. But with her pride, she couldn't bring herself to admit it yet.

As she sat there, tears falling, she realized just how much she had lost. And she wondered if it was too late to make things right. This PR thing would tear your relationship apart if it didn't end soon.

A/N: omg, it keeps getting worse. My bad.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now