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November 2022

As the day before the big premiere of "Wednesday" approached, Jenna's nerves seemed to intensify. You were lying in bed together, cuddled up under the cozy blankets, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting warm shadows on the walls. Jenna's fingers absently traced patterns on your arm as she stared up at the ceiling, her expression unreadable to you.

"Hey, babe, what's on your mind?" You asked, gently brushing a strand of hair away from her face.

She let out a small sigh before turning her head to look at you. "I'm thinking about tomorrow. What if people don't like my take on Wednesday Addams? What if I messed up my acting? What if—"

You interrupted her with a soft kiss on the forehead. "Hey, none of that. You've worked so hard for this, and you're incredibly talented. Everything is going to be amazing tomorrow, I just know it."

Jenna gave you a small smile, but you could still see the worry lingering in her eyes. "I just don't know what to expect, you know? It's my first major series, and there's so much pressure."

"I get it, babe. But no matter what happens, I'll be right there by your side, cheering you on every step of the way," you reassured her, squeezing her tiny body gently.

She let out a soft chuckle, her dark sense of humor always peeking through. This girl would never change her essence. "Well, if all else fails, at least I'll have you to console me when the critics tear me apart."

You couldn't help but laugh at that. "You won't need consoling because you're going to knock it out of the park. And even if the critics are being jerks, I'll be there with ice cream and cheesy movies to make it all better."

Jenna rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm much more of a horror movies person." You laughed and she continued in a more serious tone, while looking deep inside your loving eyes, "You're such a dork, but I love you for it."

"Hey, being a dork is part of my charm," you teased, planting another kiss on her lips.

The next day, as you arrived at the Hollywood Legion Theater for the premiere of Tim Burton's new TV series "Wednesday" with your girlfriend, the energy backstage was a mix between caos and electric. Jenna looked stunning in her chic black lacey dress and veil, her smoky eye makeup adding a touch of mystery to her look.

While backstage she was still very much nervous, and you could tell. You were wearing a black chic yet discreet outfit, which made you feel pretty comfortable and even confident. You wanted to blend in and not cast attention to yourself.

The moment Jenna stepped on the purple carpet, you watched from the sidelines as her nervousness turned into confidence. She had a straight face the whole time, imitating her character. The photographers screamed for her to look at them, and she tried her best to look everywhere.

Her black veil brought a darkness to her that was amazing. It fit so well considering the character that she played on the tv series.

Cristina Ricci stepped beside your girlfriend, and the photographer went even crazier. The old Wednesday with the new one, they were excited to say the least.

One by one of the cast members arrived, all the while as you watched them on the sidelines with Enrique. Everybody looked amazing. Emma caught your eye and gave you a sweet smile.

The photographers kept screaming and telling everyone how to pose and where to look, you wondered how annoying they could be. Considering everybody there was already part of the industry, you bet they all knew how to pose and smile, but the press still kept screaming and being inconvenient.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now