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On Christmas of 2019 Jenna planned to go home to her family house while on break for the end of the year. Since you hadn't seen her a lot lately, you called her and her family over to have dinner on December 23rd so you could finally introduce Maria to the Ortega family. Your mom and dad were finally home as well. They had a large business, they travelled a lot, and they mainly lived in Brazil for half of the year.

While everybody was over, everything was going smoothly, your mom was cooking dinner while having a conversation with Natalie. Your dad was watching whatever was on TV while drinking a beer with Jenna's father, Edward. You were drinking some alcoholic beverage with gin and tonic, while sitting on the table with all the Ortega's kids (you were no longer kids clearly) and your girlfriend Maria. You were a little high from the alcohol, but you were cold and you liked the feeling, the flustered cheeks and the heart beating a little faster.

Jenna was sitting opposite from you, and you would send her way a couple winks every now and then, just playfully but she seemed a bit irritated today. Only at this moment you realized how much of a beautiful young women she was becoming.

"Can we play a game of something?" Alliyah suggested. All the Ortega's sibling except Jenna yelled "Hell yes." Mia yelled, "Let's play UNO dudes." Isaac said, "Dude, yes. I'm gonna kick all of your asses." You all laughed in union.

You glanced over at Maria, since you were older than the rest, you searched for her approval and she simply shrugged. At this moment you swore you saw Jenna roll her eyes extremely fast at Maria, but you agreed with the reaction since you were excited to have a little fun with them.

"Alright, let's do this." Jenna said after getting up and grabbing the UNO cards. She made sure she sat next to you, cause you had a small UNO game rivalry. Those draw fours of hers were always aimed at you. Maria no longer was sitting with you, she walked over to the sofa and was on her phone.

You all had lots of fun and laughed a lot, Maria seemed strange and distant, not once coming over to you and trying to get along. You felt something was odd, but just ignored it. You caught your girlfriend aiming her cellphone at you a couple of times, and saw that from time to time she would grin while looking at her phone. You let it go for now.

First game Isaac won and he screamed like a kid "hell yeah bitches."

"Isaac, language," Natalie said from the kitchen island, you all laughed.

Jenna was at ease now, every time she put that draw four for you, she would laugh and poke you on the sides (she knew you were ticklish as fuck), and you would get mad, trying to get revenge when possible.

Second round Jenna won and you made it your personal mission to destroy her (game wise) cause she made you end this round with 20 cards in hand. Looser.

Third round and you finally won, now poking Jenna on her side and she simply stuck her tongue out for you, she wasn't much of a fan of getting poked or tickled, so you did just enough so annoy her the slightest. Succeed, those lips now in a pout.

You were having so much fun and didn't even see Maria was glancing at her phone and smirking at the time now.

You got up and Jenna held your forearm "Where you going Y/N/N?" She gently smiled at you.

"Just check on Maria." Jenna's face instantly closed, was she jealous of you? You never saw this side of her. Weird. You shook it off as you approached your girlfriend on the couch.

"Hey babe." You said. She very quickly put down her phone and looked at you annoyed. "Finally remembered you have a girlfriend?" She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Was she jealous of your favorite kids in the world, really?

Her phone blinked a couple times and all you could see were a whole bunch of emojis and memes miniatures someone was sending her.

"Who are you talking to?" You asked nicely.

"Nobody." She grabbed her phone and hid it between her legs. You thought she was messing with you, cause you guys did that all the time when you were alone, so you quickly took the phone between her legs and opened her messages.

What you saw made your playful smile turn into a frown, a strange feeling take over the pit of your stomach and anger begin to build inside you.

There were pictures of Jenna playing UNO beside you and Maria making fun of your little "sister" to a group of friends on iMessage. She mocked Jenna, saying you were stupid for liking this girl so much. Saying she didn't know why you were friends with children, what was the fun in them. Saying they looked stupid, and if she knew you were this childish, she would have never agreed to date you, even if you was the bosses' daughter (rolling eyes emoji). You don't know what came over you, suddenly this beautiful brunette girl was the last thing you wanted to see. You haven't dated for a long time now, but you felt like you could trust her and that this could have turned into a lasting relationship, oh well, guess you were really fucking wrong.

Maria suddenly looked as pale as the white ceiling in your house. You grabbed her hand and helped her get up from the couch gently. "Babe. I'm sorry." She whispered to you.

"It's fine. I'll call you an Uber and you won't have to deal with children anymore, or with me for that matter." You said it through gritted teeth. You took a glance over to Jenna and saw she was watching you closing, and once you locked eyes with her, she mouthed if you were okay with her lips.

You called Maria an Uber, making sure to get all her things, and told her to never call you anymore. Your heart dropped, but in that moment you felt betrayed. She was making fun of you, and most importantly, your family. You were sure this was the right decision.

"Is everything okay?" Jenna asked again once you came back inside after 10 minutes waiting and arguing with Maria until the Uber arrived.

"Yeah, fine." You looked down at Jenna, looked deep inside her brown eyes, something in the pit of your stomach felt weird, but you looked away quickly.

Rest of the evening you kept to yourself, Maria blowing up your phone. Jenna stealing glances at you every now and then to make sure you were fine. And you just told your family Maria had to go home because of a family emergency.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now