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SMUT warning

That night you were restless, just overthinking every single thing.

At around 5 in the morning you were able to fall asleep after watching at least 3 movies.

At around 8 you were awaken by your phone vibrating, Jenna was calling.

"Hey. What's up?" Your voice was raspy and you barely could keep your eyes open.

"I'm coming over." Was all she said.

"You know the password, let yourself in." She agreed and hang up.

Next time you woke up again, the brunette was jumping on top of you, her whole body against your back.

"Wake up." She said sweetly, but you grabbed an extra pillow and put it over your head, trying to block the noise.

"Just a few more minutes."

You felt her weight leave your back and suddenly all the curtains were being opened and the daylight made its way even through the pillow on top of your head.

"Jen. Please, 15 minutes." You groaned.

"Alright, 15. I'll make you breakfast and I'll be back." You appreciated this girl so much, but you also appreciated your sleep just as much.

You didn't get those 15 minutes though, because as soon as Jenna started to cook your breakfast she put music blasting through the speakers.

You let out a loud groan and forced yourself to get up. You washed yourself, brushed your teeth quickly and peed, washing your hands afterwards.

You put a basketball shorts and kept your oversized shirt, and walked to the kitchen.

"Heyyy y/n/n. You still had 10 minutes to sleep." She teased you.

"Oh yeah, sure. You sure were letting me sleep with this loud music." You rolled your eyes and sat on the counter of your kitchen.

She was even shorter now as you looked at her from the counter. She was cooking you eggs on the stove and handed you a cup filled with black coffee.

You thanked her and sipped the dark liquid, letting the warm feeling wake you up completely.

"So let me tell you. My mom booked a whole week at the lake, and she showed me pictures and it seems beautiful." Jenna said as she put your eggs on a plate.

"That's nice." You began eating your egg and listening to the brunette near you.

"So Mariah and Mia are coming back and then we'll be driving there."

You hadn't given much thought. The Ortega loved to go out vacationing whenever everybody could squeeze in their busy schedule, specially Jenna's.

"Cool. I hope you enjoy it. You deserve this rest."

"I hope too. Go get your things ready."

You were in shock. You definitely thought you heard wrong.

"What do you mean? It's only family and partners." You finished eating and drank the last bit of your coffee, placing the dish on the dishwasher.

"Yeah well, you will be going as my other half and we'll share a cabin by the lake. So hurry up." That was definitely a shock for you. All those weird feelings you were thinking about the night before seemed stupid now.

You guys hadn't acted romantic around each other ever since she came back, but if she made sure you'd tag along to a family trip, it most likely wasn't just like friends. Or was it?

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now