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After the kissing day you guys didn't speak about it. Your friendship didn't change one bit, you both just pretended it was a fake kiss with the purpose of helping Jenna prepare entirely for the real scene.

When they shot the kissing scene, you were right there back stage, watching everything. The second their lips met, a feeling down in your gut was felt. Not a good one though. Was this jealously? What the fuck?

Between the first and the second take you excused yourself and left the set. You didn't get what was wrong with you. Jenna looked so cute with those baggy clothes, yet so innocent. You felt weird.

After this day, you told her you had to go home to get some things done for work. And you returned home for a month, until shooting was over.

On September 2020, she decided to throw a party at your house and invited a couple of friends, since COVID was still around, everyone had to get tested. She was turning 18 years of age, and you no longer had to worry about having a major crush on an underage.

You passed the COVID test, thank god cause you took such good care of not going to public places for the last 2 weeks, just so you could be at Jenna's party.

Jenna's parents and siblings weren't invited though, she wanted just friends and fun. You were both organizing the whole house, putting up decoration, and Jenna just blurred out, "I am of age now, and what better way to celebrate than to get wasted with friends." Right afterwards she laughed, those dimples being your weakness and you just nodding stupidly.

"You do know that drinking age is 21 right?" You were hanging balloons all over your living room.
"Of course, but why do you think I kept a close friendship with you for all these years? Just so you could buy me booze." You laughed harder and slingshot a ballon her way, missing it.

"Uhh that's hurtful. I'm here for the fame and you're here for the booze." You joked and you both laughed in union.

After a couple of drinks, and 10 of Jenna's closest friends coming over to your place (all COVID free, let's not forget Jenna's respect for all the health workers this past year).

You were making your way from the kitchen to the living room, you all had just decided you wanted to watch a horror movie. You felt someone come running your way and jump on you, wrapping their legs around your torso and their arms around your neck.

"Come on Y/N/N." It was Jenna. Geez, the proximity, you looked down at those lips.

"I'm going. I was just making sure we had enough food." Jenna wouldn't get down from you. You put your hands under her thighs to support her weight.

"We do." She whispered and looked down at your lips. Not again.

You looked down at her beautiful lips, you could smell and tell she was a little intoxicated from alcohol, but so were you. Was this wrong?

You both leaned closer to each other, lips inches apart. You licked your lips to get them wet, and watched as Jenna did the same.

"Heyy, do we have more beer?" One of Jenna's friends ran up to you, snapping you both out of your own little world, and making Jenna get off of you.

"Yup, in the freezer." You just said and walked back to the living room behind the beautiful brunette. Your heart was pounding, it was probably the alcohol. Yeah, definitely.

Through out the night you guys had a blast, eating, drinking, playing loud music and playing a few games.

It was now 4 in the morning, Jenna's friends were asleep on the living room, some on the floor, some on the couch. You were sitting down, resting your arm on the armrest, just absent mindly going through your social medias.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now